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Everything posted by littlefish

  1. 'I was pulled by dog warden more than once I now muzzle my dogs yet I have met a woman walking tree German shepherds she could not have controlled the dogs had they wanted to go at my dogs or any person for that matter This law is a disgrace and needs reviewed.' I agree. I was talking to a UK Kennel Club official from the mainland recently who was surprised to hear of this legislation whilst visiting Northern Ireland. He asked me what i understood by this law........so he certainly heard my opinion......that it was an outdated load of rubbish and that there was a whole lot worse than gr
  2. Also...it's crap when it has been cut down or broke then it is left lying on the ground so it's hard to see and semi hidden by long grass etc. So dangerous.
  3. Good luck with your pups. Hope they do you proud.
  4. Have you owned/worked with this type of breed before? I know a few that are 'full on'..... No. This dog came from Belgium, he was the higher drive pup out of two.dog pups. I ended up with him because I have the time and place to absorb his energy. I have been asked to train for a UK team, but I'm afraid that's just not me. Training twice a week and a hours drive to the training ground. The dog is a general farm dog come hunting companion, a family pet and protector. I already have a stud lined up the kennels where I train him occasionally are very interested in him. Goo
  5. Have you owned/worked with this type of breed before? I know a few that are 'full on'.....
  6. I hate......people spitting in the street......no need for it.....especially from women.....feckin filthy hoors!
  7. Mine's a real champion....loved and respected by all who know him. A real man!
  8. Strange that - after being poked with a stick for 3-4 minutes........
  9. Indeed......I remember watching a documentary about a female British Uologist who tried to help cases like this in Africa......young teenagers whose insides were ripped out by having babies too young and they had to spend their days sitting on buckets in shanty towns because they continuously bled/urinated and had no other option. Their new families did not want to know them......as did their old families who passed them on. So very sad.
  10. Sounds like an accidental mating.......but they could make good wee hedgerow hokers?
  11. That bitch looks in great condition for raising such plump pups - well done!
  12. Also something to bear in mind is change in diet. Any time I have to leave mine in kennels I always send the dogs food with them - with a picture of the dogs on the front of the tub. Its not any cheaper to do this but it means there is no upheaval in diet for the dogs - they are getting what they are used to, no matter how good the kennels feed is.
  13. Pissing in your boot.................
  14. It will be what it will be.....put the work in!
  15. What sort of activities do 'ordinary decent criminals' carry out?
  16. That sounds quite cruel........has anyone got a daughter who is not a size 10?
  17. How can it be that someone puts colour first.....I once went to Hancocks....loads of stunning merles, blacks blues, reds, silver/sooty and I came home with a black pup.... Good dog can't be a bad colour.... cant understand when colour comes into it to me this is the ideal lurcher pup imo /i suppose there is a dog for everyone......I personally would not have taken this one because of this its colour....but when there is so many suitable ones to chose from....I chose the colour you that catches my eye. as they will be for me for life.....that would firstly be brindle or merle.....
  18. http://uk.edenpetfoods.com/ I was talking to a rep for this last weekend.......thought it sounded good......expensive though, but not full of fillers etc.
  19. What sort of breeds are you talking about, also, what ailments did they suffer from and at what age?
  20. If that is the worst thing ever to be wrong with your pup I would not worry too much.............
  21. Lovely pup.......good luck with her. Is Arthur the dad?
  22. That's my favourite Bond film.........love the theme tune too!
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