How old is your dog? My 15 year old skin, white hair, has had them for years now...they scab over, go crusty and dry up, leaving a bald, crusty area. Vet advised it is due to old age........
From what I remember from home economics classes at school.........30 years ago..........Boiling veg destroys a lot of vitamins......and the water you are draining......probably contains a lot of those vitamins......down the sink.......
Perhaps it might be better to lightly steam the veg in a very small amount of water and just throw it of top of their food?
I rarely walk mine in public parks any more because of the risk of out of control dogs. I much prefer to walk the roads with dogs on leads. I like the idea of the ball throwy thing! I have a telescopic hiking stick which comes in handy too!
Baby giraffes are 'cute' and a real crowd pleaser.....once they look the same as all the others.....well they ain't so 'special' any more. Shame, but least it was slaughtered humanely and the lions got a good feed
Any idea what may have caused it?
Any photos?
What sort of work has the dog been doing?
How is it bred?
What age is it?
How is it housed?
How is it fed?
Has it been to see a vet yet?
Had a good neighbour, a lady in her 70's, killed by a drink/drugged sympathy here for anybody who chooses to act like they are above the law.......very humbling experience sitting beside her smashed body with her relatives while she was on a life support machine.