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Everything posted by littlefish

  1. Not much cost to be in the community spirit.....Had few callers here tonight.....neighbours kids with parents/older siblings in tow in the rain. Think how it felt yourself as a kid... plucking up the courage to knock on doors....turnip lantern in hand......
  2. no, but get it done now , the longer you leave it more of a bigger op for the dog, and the more vet will charge you . At 9 months you may as well leave them and see if they give any bother first....sometimes they do......some times they don't. I have had dogs with and without. At 9 months I would wait and see. To have them removed at that age would be 'an operation', not just like 'nipping them off' when a wee pup.
  3. Why are you so concerned about someone else's personal affairs?
  4. Think that about covers it. Right.....................good luck with that.......
  5. Sensible people stay OUTSIDE the big cat enclousre.....
  6. What exactly is it that you expect an assistance dog to do?
  7. Indeed.....very sadly, a lot of young folks just don't have the right guidance as they grow up.....
  8. What happens if it proves the wrong move and in 10 years time if they want to come back.........?
  9. It's her constitutional right to bear arms...........
  10. Psycho.......because it could be very believable......
  11. Give the Head & Shoulders a try.......
  12. Laser surgery could be the answer.......
  13. you will only think the hacksaw blade is good until you see what a Furminator can do in a quarter of the time.........pm Millet......
  14. It just seems like a sell out to me. Id love to be wrong cause im a huge Metallica fan but I cant see how its anything other than a video which ends in a load of people hunting getting shot. If it was meant to be a middle finger to antis then it should have been more blatent. Seems to me that they have just tried to appease the vocal antis so they could play one of the best known festivals in the world... ......as if they really, really needed to play Glastonbury.......? I thought ,on watching the whole video, including the 'Ecstasy of Gold' tribute to Eli Wallach (RIP), that the vide
  15. Yellow Tail Shiraz....2 for £12 in Sainsburys at the minute.....one of my favourites. More at risk of 'vinegar' with white wine I think.....
  16. Drontal, Spot On etc and their generic equivalents can be ordered relatively cheaply, compared to from vets,on sites such as Wormers UK or Vet Medic. Better safe than sorry.
  17. Maybe have a hoke round the 'yellow sticker' shelves instead. Plenty of bargains to be had in reduced fresh and cooked meats and veg in the supermarkets. .
  18. Well, MY MONEY CERTAINLY CAN WALK.........to anywhere other than Subway. Read this at lunchtime today and immediately threw my Subway points card in the bin. I will never spend another penny in any Subway shop.
  19. Artificial grass?......do you reckon it is a god job?
  20. I have to take an antihistimine every day......I am not allergic to pollen....but dogs!
  21. Do you add any sort of protection to the front of them to keep heat in and elements out?
  22. I had a 12 week old terrier broke a hock. It was treated with bandage/splint for a few weeks and restricted cage rest. Terrier is 13 now and still is very active.....never a limp noticed. Young bones can heal well. Don't be in a rush to do too much too soon. Good luck.
  23. Often thought about it........it would be a very worthwhile thing to do.......to make a difference to a young person......although not without its challenges....a lot of these kids haven' t had much stability/routine in their lives.
  24. What age is it? Have you got a calm, sensible companion it can go in with?
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