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Everything posted by littlefish

  1. Apparently the tramp only got the sack and a caution from the police!
  2. The USA prison systems seem to be quite harsh environments compared to British ones.......good enough for the arrogant perv!
  3. Rotten excuse for a human being!
  4. https://gercekasksiberians.com/our-lurchers/ Aye.....£450......sound like winners alright.....hahaha
  5. From the desciptions of behaviour above, how likely would it be for a dog with these traits to transfer its affections/loyalties to a new family or living situation?
  6. Have you had this dog from a pup? Have you any previous experience with dogs? Probably best to contact an experienced trainer for 1-2-1 advice Jim Greenwood was mentioned. Physically beating a stressed dog is not the answer. Good luck.
  7. Modern wolfhounds are a man made recreation for the show ring.....bred for looks...too big to be sound or healthy for any length of time. Now those pups in Canada....look a much better proposition........
  8. For those of you using tennis balls and small balls of similar size......consider the damage young speedy dogs can do to their necks and joints when chasing and striking such a small target at the speed lurcher pups can reach. Google HOLEE BALLS - you can get them in all sizes - I use the biggest I can find - near 10-12 inches across - makes a much softer and safer target for young necks and joints while training/exercising young pups.
  9. Am I reading that right............your vet couldn't believe how fit your nearly 4 month old pup was?
  10. Some good ideas there.....initiating and ending the tugging behaviour is all part of 'the game' and has to be trained and rewarded. Regarding your last sentence - I had to stop swinging my 15 year old Jack Russell on the tug at shoulder height when I realised most of his teeth were loose.....
  11. Dr Who......Nerdsville........
  12. Life is short....yes.... but walking away from an ex should not mean walking away from responsibility to your children - emotionally, financially or time wise.....
  13. Have many on here actually visited the property or have any regard to the quality or welfare of the brood stock there?
  14. littlefish


    I didn't see the programme on tv but of it read it in the paper. It reminded me of my own family situation. My father was widowed at 31 years of age with 2 kids aged 11 and 9. For sure, we had absolutely no money but we did have have community. The equally skint neighbours looked out for us kids while our father worked all hours. I'm near 50 now and my father is elderly. He still looks out for me, I now look out for him, the neighbours, the neighbours kids and their grandkids. Of course grief is grief and money may make things easier...but good friends/neighbours sometimes mean more.
  15. So you were hoking through the belongings of the dead.......sounds a bit 'grave robberish' to me...each to their own.......
  16. I had a dog that swelled up like that a few times when stung by a wasp. The weather here has been so mild recently......I saw a few wasps last week.
  17. I wonder how many litters are bred out of the bitches?
  18. Good news - I suppose it is better to happen to a pup who is still growing and not too heavy. I had a pup break a hock at 10 weeks old.....she is more or less blind and deaf but still running mad here at 15 years old....never limped!
  19. Did it look like this one - I see it is missing?
  20. Are you into the hobby yourself.....? Show us some of your work.
  21. Put the new dog in a crate when you are not there to supervise. Crates are not cruel - get the dog used to it by feeding it in the crate and spending time in it and letting him sleep in it.. It is not fair or safe to leave a dog muzzled. You say you do not have a basket muzzle - what does the one you do have look like? The new dog is still a stranger to your old dog. It is not fair to leave them together with one muzzled - if a fight breaks out while you are not there, the muzzled dog could be at the mercy of the other. Get yourself a crate. Look on Gumtree.
  22. Kate B - if you have spent time in Ireland then you will surely know the plight of abandoned/neglected lurcher type dogs - the pounds and rescue centres are bursting with them, even litters of young pups - so much so, that they are often shipped to the mainland and further abroad in Europe for re-homing. Why not do one of these dogs a favour and adopt one, rather than add to the problem by producing your own 'line of dogs' if you have no experience. These type of dogs often have very large litters - quality homes are hard to find for them all. The world is already overpopulated by 'wonder
  23. Met a Neopolitan mastiff locally a few years ago. It was a mess...shuffling along with its eyes dropping and the smell of yeast from it.....it was pitiful really......
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