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Everything posted by dirtwinger

  1. The dog helps the falcon kill the hare, the bird doesnt resent it at all as hares are a handful for a 1lb 8oz bird. I did have one dog last year that would run off with the hares that pissed the bird off so I gave the dog to a friend without falcons to course with. My other falcon is very aggressive on the kill towards the dogs and they know to not mess with him. Cog the bird I'm flying right now is relaxed with the dogs and they will hang out at the kill together no problem. Heres a pic from last season with Cog and Percy. All the best Terence
  2. Male gyrfalcon x prairie falcon. all the best Dirtwinger What a beautiful bird. I caught a very young female coopers hawk in one of my pigeon traps a couple of years ago. They've been on my mind ever since. I've hunted Jack rabbits in southern Idaho. From what I remember, they're just jogging along til they lay their ears back. is that correct? ATB Coopers do like pigeon traps, I had one kill six pigeons in one of my traps last year. Depends on the jack, often they have been chased by coyotes and mutts before and know they have speed to spare. They think a sighthound
  3. Here are some updated pics of the two dog pups I have and there sister a mate has. Loki at 5 months Sophie Slim All the best Dirtwinger
  4. Male gyrfalcon x prairie falcon. all the best Dirtwinger
  5. Thanks guys, I have just been out trying to get pics of the pups which is an exercise in frustration to say the least. Once I grt them downloaded I will put up a few. all the best Dirtwinger
  6. Just by chance I had a professional photographer come out with me on Sunday and he sent me a few pics got one nice one of the dog on a jackrabbit with the falcon closing in. Enjoy the pics. The five month old pup thought it was fun but gave up quickly. The guy had a nice camera but wasnt used to the speed of the chase, didnt get the hare in frame on this pic. Everyone going as fast as they can all the best Dirtwinger
  7. I am having a few bad days about 3 weeks worth so far with my old dog. My bitch cut her hock badly so is out for at least another week so it is just my old dog left to graft right now and he is struggling. He is approaching ten which has a lot to do with it, he knows he cant catch a jackrabbit on his own anymore. I work him with my falcon and he is jacking on the hares too, the problem is that the falcon and the dog are both veteran hare killers which should be an advantage but isnt. The falcon wont chase a hare hard unless the dog is running hard and the dog wont chase a hare hard if the bir
  8. Here is a pic of the two dogs I kept and there sister, they are 3/8grey, 1/4tazi, 1/4australian shepherd, 1/8border collie. They are 5 months now, I will run them on hares in 2010. All the best Dirtwinger
  9. They didnt have a clue until last week when their parents caught a rabbit right in front of them, they had a chew on it and went mental. After that they take off after the parents every time they flush a hare but only for about a 100yds. Pretty soon I will have to cut back on that as I dont want them trying to do too much too soon, for the moment it doesnt hurt and they are getting the idea. all the best Dirtwinger
  10. I got all winter the freezer will fill, I go out four times a week so the odd blank day doesnt worry me it was a nice walk with the pups. all the best Dirtwinger
  11. Yeah it's an old disused airfield on the edge of the city usually holds a few jacks, but hard to find that day. Wasnt really bothered about a serious run though the only one decently fit is my nine year old dog, he had one good run but lost it in cover none of the others saw it. Once they are in shape we wont be running three adult dogs at once I try and keep it sporting. I am only just getting going for this season and my bitch cut her hock on broken glass so will be out for a while so slow start this year. all the best Dirtwinger
  12. Found this litle guy while out walking it is a long nose snake. all the best Dirtwinger
  13. Met up with a couple of mates who have pups of my last litter for a walk about here a re a few pics, the pups are 5 months now. My two pups and the bitch my mate has playing in the ditch My two pups in the foreground and one of the bitch pups my mate has and one of his older dogs brother to the dam of the litter. Percy the sire of the pups and Castor the uncle to the pups Percy and his brother Rizla with the little bitch pup. All the best Dirtwinger
  14. Sorry for your loss mate, been there too but the dog was doing what it loved and that is the important thing to remember. all the best Dirtwinger
  15. My bird is an odd example of the prairie hybrid to say the least. I got him secondhand after three years as a duck hawk, he was wild as hell and acted like a chamber raised bird. In the field he was moody and would turn off for no reason, get spooked or take stand for forty minutes. Then I lost him for two and a half years and he came back a different bird, he now acts like an imprint right up to donating semen all summer. He is very tame, calm and consistent while he is sexually vocal in the summer he is quiet the rest of the time. His manners are great no mantling on the kill, biting or foo
  16. The dog is doing fine and will be back up in 2 weeks, which will give me time to get the bird fit everything should come together by mid October. The weather has cooled down very nicely it is 20% cooler than normal right now so I am taking advantage, nothing like cool weather for motivating a gyr/prairie. My bird is agressive on game but very gentle with me, he would never consider biting me although I have seen some mean females. all the best Terence
  17. My bird mostly checks at quail over anything else, he will spot a covey 1/4 of a mile away and take off flying low and fast at them. He will slash them on the ground and you will see a quail go tumbling along the ground after a hit, I call it bowling for quail it is not a classic flight but oh so very funny. I flew him free yesterday evening and he was great, still very unfit but he wanted to fly and go up. We flushed two hares, the first wasnt seen by the dogs and Cog refused it, the second was flushed by my lurcher bitch and Cog wanted that one. Unfortunately it turned uphill and Cog was ha
  18. [quote He is the spit of Max,a bit heavier he flies at 1.61/2 ish They are very similar looking birds, one of my mates flew a brother to mine and he was almost pure white just a few black markings on the primaries. I do like the gyr/prairies the are such ballsy birds and mine at least is a sweetheart. How is your bird coming on, mine is a couple of weeks of getting fit enough to hunt seriously. all the best Terence
  19. I am still feeling my way into what works here in New Mexico on the Rio Grande, I am trying to find more good spots to fish. The river is largely very shallow in many places you can wade across and it will rarely go over your knees and some places not over your ankles. There are carp pretty much everywhere but finding the spots that hold the real big ones is tricky. Nobody fishes for carp in New Mexico, I am probably the only angler concentrating on carp in an area larger than the whole of England. I may have to go to a hair rig as far improving bites goes, I still dont have any real carp gea
  20. Just pulled my gyr/prairie out of the chamber yesterday evening he weighed 1lb 12oz so he still needs to lose about 2oz to be at flying weight. Here are a few pics of him he looks the spit of your bird. he looks a little nervous in the pics as he didnt like my new pups very much but he will settle down fine in a couple of days. all the best Terence
  21. I had a deerhound greyhound who took everything, pheasants, rabbits, hares, squirrels, fox, coyote, grasshoppers, bullfrogs and once a 2lb catfish would he qualify? all the best Dirtwinger
  22. Went out last Saturday on the Rio Grande to see if I could get a few more carp. Caught 3 upto about 5lb. also 3 suckers and one catfish. My mate Greg caught one cat about 6lb so it was an ok day. I had hoped to get into some of the bigger carp but didnt even hook one. There was a lot of people fishing including one dick that decided to swim through the area I had been feeding and scared everything off. Next time I will try to go on a quieter day. Here are a few pics of carp fishing in the US. The Rio Grande One of the carp another one Greg and his catfish all the b
  23. you could use milkshake or curry powders and any powedered food items but in what quantities i dont know. i used to use strawberry ice cream topping in mine but i havent had time to make them this year. Richard Do you think custard powder would work? I used to use a custard paste for crucian carp many years ago in my distant youth. all the best Terence All you can do is try. if it works keep it to yourself or every other angler will be using it and the fish will soon wise up to it. Richard Not much danger of that her in New Mexico, carp are considered trash fish and
  24. Spam might work i would probably catch a lot of catfish on that too. All the best Terence
  25. you could use milkshake or curry powders and any powedered food items but in what quantities i dont know. i used to use strawberry ice cream topping in mine but i havent had time to make them this year. Richard Do you think custard powder would work? I used to use a custard paste for crucian carp many years ago in my distant youth. all the best Terence
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