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harry mac

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Everything posted by harry mac

  1. Get your self to an auction. I kid you not you will find decent .22s going for as little as a fiver. Obviously the better the rifle the higher the price. If you are going to get a BSA Rimfire go for the Supersport rather than the Sportsman 5/15. The Supersport is grooved for a scope. The Sportsman series hark from a time when telescopic sights weren't in general use and it's a proper pain to fit them with a scope.
  2. Try John Knibbs for all BSA spares. Not guaranteed to have one, but he'd be the best bet. It's also worth asking if your local gunshop/gunsmith has a "junk" drawer. I managed to get an extractor for a Webley garden gun and a set of open sights for a PH 243 out of a bloke's "junk drawer". Yes, the Supersport was a rimfire long before it was an air gun. The old BSAs are nice rifles the fact that the Supersport can be scoped up easilly is a bonus. The receiver on my Sportsman 15 looks like a Swiss cheese where someone has drilled and tapped it for a side mount.
  3. [quote name i jus read what you have written and wonderd how av u ended up at the other end of a lamp. were u poaching or was it bys poacher or do u share your shoot Shot a deer right at last light and stayed to gralloch it. As I was walking back to the car one of the beat keepers had just come into the area lamping for foxes. He picked me up in his beam and kept it on me until he had driven close enough to see who I was. Glad to say it was a vehicle mounted lamp, but I didn't know that until he cot close.
  4. Try John Knibbs, he carries a full range of spares for all BSAs and most other makes as well. Or BSA guns.
  5. Perhaps I should have known better than to try and write like an adult amongst Airgun World readers. Rant away Timelord, you're talking to yourself from now on.
  6. What a load of crap your chatting mate tramps hide up in shop doorways usually and if they are in the field then I think they will have a camp fire to keep warm On one of my shoots I actually have a nomad (homeless) tramp and I'll tell you this he don't live in the fecking field, he lives in the wooded part for extra shelter... I think you are a bogus lefty as your left wing nanny state opinion has raised that sixth sense alarm bell in my head, giving me the view you are an anti?? If I'm wrong then I will apologise, but you've got to admit the statement you've just made here was totall
  7. Best thing I had happen was when a sparrow hawk struck at on of the decoys in my pattern. H flew off looking very disappointed.
  8. Scope mounted lights are all well and good, but I'm uncomfortable with them. Immagine you are lamping one night with your scope mounted lamp and you happen to illuminate a homeless person in your field, or someone walking down a lane 300 yards away, or a courting couple under a bush (you get what I'm on about). Bear in mind that at that moment it's not only your lamp that's pointing at them, it's your loaded and made ready rifle. "Never let your gun pointed be at anyone".
  9. That's exactly what most firearms departments rely on. If you can demonstrate good reason for any particular firearm, and there are no valid reasons to refuse, the police are obliged to grant the application. Again firearm ownership is not a privelidge, it's a right. You just have to jump through a few hoops to exercise it. Also remember, DSC qualifications are not compulsory, and if your firearms department insists you have them they are acting illegally. Join BASC (or similar) and get them to do the arguing for you. However, remember that BASC also offer DSC training and courses, so may be a
  10. Your original lin up looks fine to me. Any calibre 6.5 and above is good for a first time stalker, and .308 takes a hell of a lot of beating.
  11. Been a DDM member for years. what do you want to know? Where are you based? P.M. me.
  12. When you do the check zero on the target, make sure you have at least a couple of shots from the firing position you're most likely to use when taking the actual shot at the deer. Don't tke it for granted that once you've achieved a nice tight group off the bi-pod your shots will fly to the same MPI when shooting over stalking sticks. Shoot quickly, but don't rush the shot. And practice lots with a scope sighted air rifle or .22 before you go.
  13. My dog can't even pick a rifle up! Sorry, couldn't resist it.
  14. No, remember, barrels must be 24", which is a gnat's knacker longer than 60cm. Yes, it's meant to be confusing.
  15. That's the first time I've heard that one. 'kin love it.
  16. It must fulfil 2 criteria. Firstly, to remain a shotgun it must have a barrel length NO SHORTER than 24" (approx 60cm). Secondly, to avoid being classed as a prohibited weapon it must have an OVERALL length of 60cm or more. The reason for the mixed units of measure is that both pieces of legislation were written at different times. As long as you don't break either of those rules you are OK shortening the stock.
  17. can anyone help me out i cant find a website for it Yep, flog the Logan and buy something (anything really) else. Owner of the shop I did some work in a while back said they are the gun most frequently brought in for repair. How has it jammed?
  18. Pro stix? What's wrong wi a couple of green garden "canes" and a rubber band?
  19. Do you want your back slapped or your leg pulled? Ugly beast, bad shot.
  20. [ive not seen a garden gun for years come to think of it ive got some very nasty butterflys to get rid off can i borrow it lol.................... only jokeing mate. ive got some 22lr amo with shotfilled head i use it beacause i dont have a garden gun ive gota get 1. I'll flog you one for £40, LoL!
  21. I have a late model Webley Mk III which is in very good condition appart from one thing. As per usual, the scope rail has begun to lift. Does any forum user know of a gunsmith who can, and is willing to re-attach these rails? Have any of you had this done to your own Mk III? On another Webley note, I recently had my Vulcan "massaged" by a gentleman in the Norwich area, and now it's like a different gun. I've had the Vulcan for ages, probably 15+ years, but hadn't used it at all for about 6. When I gave it a dusting off last year to thin out a rookery it wasn't performing at it's best although
  22. Your missing the point mate.Something as rare as that.I think should be left .And i dont think you are an anti. It,s just a way of getting a point across.atb catcher It's not a rare breed or sub species, it's a genetic freak. Good management would be to remove it from the gene pool and observe for it happening again for the next couple of years. Any more that appear should be taken out as well.
  23. Not for a moment sugesting you've done owt like this, but a mate of mine who's not exactly gifted in the brains department said he couldn't get his new air rifle zeroed and asked me to have a look at it. He said he couldn't fathom out the adjustments on the scope at all. He gave me the rifle and I just about pissed me sen laughing. He'd put the scope on the right way round, so far so good, but hed put the elevation turret on the side, with the windage turret to the top. However he still expected the pellets to go left or right when turning the windage adjuster, and up and down with the elevati
  24. Life's too short to stay pissed mate, unless you do it wi' brandy! I love nice, shiny brass.
  25. Go to a gun auction, you'll never want to buy privately again. Summat like an Omega would be lucky to make £50, and then only if 2 people in the room wanted it bad. Last one I went to I got a 9mm garden gun (no, don't laugh) for £20. It went for so much purely because it was the only 9mm there that had a barrel long enough to qualify for a shotgun certificate. The ones that were a bit short went for 2-5 quid each. Auction I went to before that I got a Spanish 12 bore sxs for £5. It cost me summat like £7.50 once the commision was added.
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