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Everything posted by danby825

  1. This is real go on to the countryside alliance website and follow the link on there, as far as I know but could be wrong a repeal is a repeal not just a clause that allows some to hunt but not others but please correct if im wrong.
  2. hi guys this maybe already on here but follow the link http://campaign.publicaffairsbriefing.co.uk/emailsupport.aspx?cid=f06e80c4-327f-4132-8487-ad3425f04f71 this link will email your local MP asking them to vote for repeal it only takes afew seconds every little helps and all that
  3. Hi all just wondering where else in Europe people use lurcher's and on what fox deer hare ect. I know USA Oz and Arab states use them just been watching the Saluki vids on youtube in Dubai. Is good old Blighty the only place in Europe its legal
  4. thanks for the reply's guys shes just been mated to a good jack russell so hopfully have a pup to bring on next season
  5. hi there im sure you can find one on here
  6. Hi guys had this bitch last 4 years got as 8week pup chap didnt know much about the breeding but took a chance on her glad i did she works well flushed a few foxes below but never had a bay yet works rats but dont they all just thought i would post i pic see what you all thought.
  7. Hello all been a member for a while bt this is my 1st post into terrier work and general pest control, based in the FOREST OF DEAN
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