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Everything posted by danby825

  1. what you doing paying bridge theres plenty to run this side of the bridge?!
  2. Gloucester want £350 for it onon just need it gone! V5 here short tax and test but in good nick i can scrap it for £200 but its a bit to good for that but will if it ent gone within the week!
  3. you can get every thing in camo i wanted this set up for the littlun but missis said no chance they even do real tree curtains lol check it out http://www.thecamoshop.com/baby-boys-camouflage-creeper-gift-set.html
  4. they are good i had a aya no2 with 26" barrel great gun but if you want to sell it on they take a while to shift due to ppl having reservation about them great for pigeon shooting from hide nice short barrel
  5. what a surprise
  6. For sale BMW E30 318i Auto short tax and test runs fine its sat in the yard i just want it gone £350ono PM for pics or more info
  7. are you sure he didnt eat out could have swallowed out on the bank mate only you really know if the dogs acting strange just keep eye on it like been said
  8. I did the same as your talikng about I went from running a shoot owning sgc rifle air rifle the lot i sold everything and didnt renew tickets just lost interest that was about three years ago kept my dogs mind and still worked them wish i never got rid of the guns but i didnt stop all together just worked dogs instead just got air rifle bsa r10 but not going to re apply for tickets if i get the urge to go stalking i just hire estate rifle and book a days stalking Dont Get rid just put away and take up a diffrent field sport atb
  9. Get another vet mate they are there for you your paying them it took me awhile to find a good one. It could be umpteen different things hope it all turns out ok
  10. well done bud thats a good bit of news that atb
  11. yeah i agree with the lads maths is a bit off but i get what you ment
  12. a strong un mate strength and stamina from bull and saluki and speed from grey atb with it
  13. me too its always worth a look
  14. just an update on this link opened the letterbox this morning to see a letter marked house of commons well my heart sank what the f**k have i done now I thought? well I opened it and it was a reply from my MP Mark Harper thanking me for asking him how he will be voting and informing me that he WILL vote for Repeal he wrote " in my judgement the hunting Act does nothing to protect wild animals and, in many cases, is actually detrimental to animal welfare when other methods of control are deployed, a number of which can be indiscriminate." Do to anyone who says wha'ts the point you never know I
  15. they look good pups mate keep us posted on them interesting cross they are atb
  16. Just like to say its nice to hear something good on here good on ya atb
  17. will keep an eye out mate I'm not far from bristol atb
  18. this is like saying you would rather your GP do your triple heart by pass rather than the specalist each one is good at what they do!!!!!
  19. this is like saying you would rather your GP do your triple heart by pass rather than the specalist each one is good at what they do!!!!!
  20. all the pups iv had will engage with older dogs no problem although can be a bit keen and the older dogs may well have to put it in its place,id be thinking of your older one taking to the new pup not the other way round,hopefully with good introduction you should have no problems im in the same boat at the mo 8 week old pup intro to 5 yr old terrier, pups fine terrier gives the odd growl when the pup wants to play gets to much very rare it gets out of hand at this age and by the time the pups a few mounths older the pecking order is well sorted just keep a eye on um from afar just in cas
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