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Everything posted by danby825

  1. the most boar I have seen in the FOD is 27 in one group there was sum out at speech house in the summer sat at the side of the road in broad day light I got out of my motor as did 1/2 dozen others they didn't give a shit. I'm surprised more dog lads haven't been on them yet they are getting culled regular by the forestry commission but there breeding faster than they can shoot them, As has been said the ozy lads have been taking them with dogs for a long time so as long as you only went for the young ones, last one I shot was 170lbs dead weight I cant see why our dogs couldn't take them out IF
  2. and another of him at 6 months http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z404/danby825/photo11.jpg saluki x laguna wip x grey
  3. http://i1188.photobu...y825/photo7.jpg this ones mine at 6 months a sort of very dark cream
  4. tell him to get a pup and put some effort in
  5. you don't its instinct just get good working strains and work them the more you work them the more experience they gain
  6. ive got ground near raglan there is plenty by me lydney is good to plenty to run up that way
  7. Hi guys lets see some pics of good feet chatting to mate the other day who said his dogs feet were the best he had ever seen "hes a modest man" but i didnt think they were that great but i have not been in the lurcher game that long any pics of good feet lets see them atb
  8. mine are on straw just made new bed box for them in the run with a deep lip to stop it falling out seems to work well my jack gets lost in it when its cold you wouldnt know she was in there lol
  9. i have a 3/4 and hes like that
  10. each to there own its worked for me but that was a while ago now i get more by word of mouth more so these days
  11. I agree some farmers are not smart "dressed" but if you turn up chavy they may well think your some chavy yobo why risk your first impression....... I know some very scruffy/dirty looking farmers and if you turned up in there yard looking more like your off for a kick about up the park and they would tell you to f**k off im I have seen it first hand, not saying go in full camo or a shooting jacket and breeks. I think the word im looking for is suitably dressed atb
  12. how you getting on mate you managed to get any ground????????????????/
  13. im a long way from you fella but i will tell the lads around me you never know atb
  14. good advice jst make sure it dont have bad habits they will teach the pup
  15. a pair of snips will be going in the kit bag after reading that
  16. what ever you do dont rush thats all i think needs to be said!
  17. Christ mate make ya think twice about going out on your own
  18. I that was all he needed I have watched the bitch lick him when hes done daft thing that scare him seems to reassure them so a stroke from owner is just the same atb
  19. alot less than the bill for a broken leg i will have a look what mine is cant remeber off hand
  20. not long got back in good wind ouut and no moon for the first night in a while happy days

  21. thumb healing up nice now dog nearly gave me heart attack last night i have a small picket fence in one part of the garden he jumped it to get to me then let out that noise we all dread limped to me he must of caught it on the top rail took about a 3" of fur off his leg 2 minuets later right as rain thank god. Fence came down this morning and wont be going back up hurt the thumb a bit mind so in less than 7 days thats a broken thumb and near heart failure they do test us!!!!!!!!!!
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