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Everything posted by blackdug

  1. You just missed Julian clary on the tv the other night
  2. I am looking for something that will last me and it will also be getting put on a rim fire sometimes...I like the idea of looking into a screen instead of a scope ...
  3. Are you going to mount it on anything ...cheers
  4. Do you rate the pulsar higher than the night eye and night hunter ...I was just on you tube looking at the photon as well ...cheers
  5. Air arms 410 ..and ranges upto 30 meters .....but I will also be using it to spot as well
  6. I have just landed a great bit of shooting permission ...the reason I got the permission was I blagged it to the land owner that I had a great bit of night vision and he would not even know I had been there in the morning... I have about upto a thousand pound to spend ...I have been looking at either the night eye 500 or the night hunter unit ...does any one have any good recommendations ...thanks
  7. Long read ...who can tell me what was the name of the sedative used by the parents ....
  8. A few people Need to do a bit of research before condemning everyone in Guantanamo bay....they definetly have innocent people locked up and if they were to go to court it would really show America up .....I have seen a few tv documentary s and have read a bit about it and the afghans were selling people to the Americans for serious money and people were locked up because of it ......for sure they have got some nasty scumbags in there but they should have never left Afghanistan alive ..a few in the back of the head and the ones that they were not sure of should have been left in a lovely Kabul
  9. ..........I take it too...just make sure you clean your teeth after it ....
  10. Another fat cow chav with no brains ... The country is swimming with dossers like this....no job ,no brains and most likely a terrible mother but one morning wakes up and thinks it,s a good idea to get a bull terrier .....when I see the likes of her coming when out with my dogs I make a point of avoiding them like the plague...if the dog is not on a leash I soon tell them to get one on it ....i would put that women in hospital for a month if I owned that wee dog.....the photo of her walking of into the sunset made my blood boil.....I avoid public parks as that is normally how far they get walk
  11. .......that made me laugh....a few members here seem to have had a humor bypass.....
  12. Pick him up and walk about with him under your arm everyday ...I also give my favorite boys a bit of beef mince I keep until we are alone ,after a while they turn into mooching swines who follow me everywhere
  13. Check ebay for diamitus ...I got a huge bag of it on there for a fair price delivered to the door....you can also put it in the dogs and chickens feed for worms ....my birds wade through it in the summer as I use a pile of it in the coops....
  14. I like another forum( not hunting related) and anyone that sends dodgy personnel messages gets booted real quick .... The way it should be ...this site has to many tossers on it for it,s own good .....if you do not agree with someone what gives you the right to start sending abusive messages .....mind you I have a warning point for a spelling mistake from about five years ago from a long since removed mod who decided to take on text talkers ......at least I think that is what my warning point was for
  15. I use sulphur Candles when I get an outbreak..also I bought a huge sack of diamitus powder and I spray every Sunday in the summer using smite one week then I use another chemical the next ......my wife has a bad reaction to there bites so I have to keep on top of them.....I also burn there bedding in my fire bin straight away when I clean them out as putting it in the compost bin was a big mistake.....ivermectin on them as well......feckin horrible when u can feel them on you
  16. As someone said already ... I have found that game birds can stress real easy as well and you will find out if they have myco real quick ....my wife bought six new warren hens as our last lot died off and we were missing eating there eggs and I am sure the new warrens brought it with them but you never can be sure ....nearly every bird I have had die or I put down in my garden myco has been the cause.....my only problems with birds have been worms and myco .....I forgot to add and thieving scum as well ......game birds attract them like flies to shit !!!!!!!!
  17. I got lucky and got given baytril ...I got the wife to get the vet to write a prescription for enroxil and she sent it of to hyper drug on the Internet ....she is still waiting for it to arrive though ....she reckons the baytril is working though ...I am working away until next week and it has pissed me off I can,t get to my birds as she reckons they got it bad this time......forgot to add she told the vet the enroxil was for wild pheasant that I put on my land as the vet was wanting her to bring a bird in to examine....usual pish to rob me of more cash.....
  18. Check my post from a few days ago ..lab put up what medicine can shift myco as I think tylan is crap and does not work good enough ....I am using baytril until my enroxil arrives ...anytime I have used tylan for myco I ended up having to cull the infected bird.....your shout but I don,t trust tylan
  19. Does anyone has any experience using baytril for mycoplasma ....I am now 100 percent sure the chickens have myco and I have just been offered baytril till I get the misses to the vets tomorrow....cheers
  20. Not just an English problem mate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kriss_Donald The problem is those scumbags have been given cart blanche to behave any way they see fit whether its killing/beating people, raping, or forced marriage/genital mutilation. ...................................................................................................the killers of the young Glasgow boy live in fear in prison and would be ripped apart if they were put in with us.....there leader go,s by the name baldy and I know of a few people that want to take him of this planet.....the best thing f
  21. Good wee story mate ..I had an omega back in the day and I could put a pellet anywhere with it...
  22. Feck me that stuff ain,t cheap ...we're do you get yours in the uk from ....cheers
  23. Thanks lab ,,,I will look into both of them ...I don,t care about money when it comes to my animals and I,m happy to do a bit of overtime to pay for there welfare ....
  24. 26 people viewing this post ....looks like you have stuck a stick in a hornets nest ....I find the game bird scene to be similar
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