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Everything posted by blackdug

  1. right guevera you have been on here a week and you have started calling people a fool,you better calm down kid...you are one strange cat son!!!
  2. good post i am sure it will help someone,,all the best
  3. royal mail special delivery it has insurance up to 500 quid ..the wife used it all the time in her ebay sales never any problems but royal mail registered post she did as this is the cheaper option but it does not have insurance upto 500 only about 30 quid
  4. get people to pay by special delivery if you can
  5. first of all to the person that put up sommat don,t smell right .what don,t and the next one why post this ..why not..if you ain,t got nothing good to say except attempted put downs then keep it to yourself...i told you before johny this site is full of cranks ..you have a hard working dog there by the sounds of it ..it thinks nothing of smashing through the bushes you can,t stop some of them thorns, nettles all that crap can cut wee jet up big time nothing going to change that dog definetly the bull in her that causes her to do it..i got a huge tub of nu stock you can try on some bits see i
  6. a big thank you to steve for his advice on a good vet ..it has since transpired that i was right to fight the first vet off when she wanted to take my dogs tail off...total arse she was ..i went home and made up a splint MYSELF and went to john oconnor yesterday and he said no way did her tale ever half to come off he said i done right making my own splint and getting her for a second opinion.....what a total relief i have not slept right since it happened..word of advice if it happens to anyone who reads this splint the tail up as fast as you can i used a foam sleeping mat you use for camping
  7. hope some one helps you out with a good vet as they are priceless..it would be a good idea if anyone that reads this to put up a vet they recommend for there area,,all the best in your hunt for one
  8. biggest tosser of the lot
  9. alf ,hunt sabatours ,same thing guevara do you not think so ,why did you need to point this out
  10. good to see there is someone out there that knows there stuff and cares about dogs more than money ,,good post doctor
  11. you can not put me and a vet in the same room alone without me wanting to pull there head of ..i try to be nice everytime but this vet knew i wanted to keep the tail on this dog really had to talk her into trying to keep the tail but she sent me AWAY £60 LITE and with 4 tablets ,,,no splint feck all ..once again it just confirms to me your average vet knows nothing ,,i am off to make my own splint ,,,vets
  12. i am in essex,,phoned a few old timers that told me to try keep the tail ,,feck,,anyone know a good vet in essex ,kent area,,cheers
  13. my bull x has broke her tail half way up, the vet suspects it has to come of but i was having none of it,,talked the vet into giving it till saturday... anyone got any first hand knowledge of a broken tail...it was not the cost i just don,t want a half tailed lurcher as in my eyes this is not so good ...cheers
  14. blackdug

    Bio Diesel

    anyone know if you can use veg oil/diesel mix in a turbo diesel,,
  15. arnica gel and put in there cage for a few days,watch sprains take them out to early and they come back and can become a pain in the arse
  16. good choice collie grey, my father hunted all renfrewshire for 40 years and that was his tried and tested dog he had every dog you could imagine but he always ended up back at collie grey ..there is a few right good dogs of that breed in the glasgow area ,,
  17. the fegie park foxes anyday
  18. in the summer i saw a squirrel eating a pigeon carcass,left the same mess,,my dogs killed the squirrel as he was eating on it,if you never seen it you would not have believed it
  19. i wll back claire up on that,i got stalked by one last time home as i was staggering home pissed.. it was after my fish supper the c*nt..came right up to me so i tried to kick it and went on my nelly,,have heard there is a huge dog fox that sits beside the taxi rank in paisley begging for food of people at the weekends seems he has a likeing for kebabs and pizzas
  20. queensland the place if you ask me ,,
  21. my friend has got one for sale ,i will call him for you,
  22. you need to join 3 mobile network ,i got a few 100 pound bills from t mobile then joined 3 and have never been over 30 quid since,,they gave me about 1200 minutes for 30 quid x network and all ,,try them i have not had problems with there signal anywere as well
  23. tons of tits round my way like that ,no dog and bottles of buckfast ,1 shotgun for 4 of them and to top it of they usually build a fire cause there feet get cold because they go fowling in training shoes..the word for them round my way is stoaters
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