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Nino (Italy)

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Everything posted by Nino (Italy)

  1. training on badgers and foxes (legally in Ex-Yugoslavia)
  2. Yes but.... often this is a "double cut" arm,because owners and breeders train the dogs only and exclusively for working tests and omits the real hunting work,only to win cups in this pseudo-working circuit! The result is a dog who "flies" in working trials and go slowly in real work.
  3. My Russells: my Jagdterrier: ....and my Mastiff (Italian Cane Corso) :
  4. Thanks at all! Yes we have foxes,badgers and other quarries but our laws about hunting are very strong,the real paradise are the ex-Yugoslavia's territories. I hope to improve my english. CIAO.
  5. The bitches have to pass a work test before to be mated and the stallions too.
  6. I have some problem to translate... I think,(by my understanding) that the words of Anna are right. The 90% of the terriers of the continent are show dogs and not working dogs,the only breed who is only breeded and used exclusively for hunting is Jagdterriers and who have a Jagdterrier is an hunter! On 100 Jagds, 95 are owned by hunters and only 5 are pets;the other terriers are 95 pets and only 5 are workdogs. SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH
  7. I have Deben Long Range,but why isn't in the list?
  8. Yes it is real, this dog is made by english fox terriers and black and tan terriers, before the II World War by few german breeder. In Europe is the last real working terrier
  9. This is "Emme", my Jagdterrier bitch. She works and win in shows, is about 13" and 1/4.
  10. This is my small Jack Russell: her name is "SAETTA" and is about 9"
  11. My name is Nino and i'm from Italy. I love sport with terriers,foxhunting first! I'm the lucky owner of three Jack Russells and one Jagdterrier (german hunting terrier),i hope to give my modest contribution to this forum and so i want to say sorry for my bad english too. Ciao, Yours in sport Nino.
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