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Nino (Italy)

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Everything posted by Nino (Italy)

  1. The Jagdterrier is a great dog. It's a 100% game dog, but there are a lot of several bloodlines, some are too big so they are used for wild boar others are too strong and fearless so often dies down in the hole when meets a brock. In Italy we are try to select more balanced dogs, with more brain, i think that the first results are going on.. If you want a Jagdterrier you have to move out of GB, if I can give you a suggest come in Italy to find your dog or in Germany or Osterraich, because if you go too in the east of Europe u risk to find tto fearlees dogs. Good luck, Nino. MY BITC
  2. I haven't find Meynell's ( G. Mousley) adress or phone , who have it? Thanks.
  3. It is unbelievable... I first did only a question... and than start this big controversy.
  4. The citizens of the Peoples Republic of China. But half a meter were missing.
  5. I have a friend in Italy who breeds Cairns, she is looking for a good working bloodline... she hunts wild boar only with her Cairns, Somebody knows? Thanks at all for the answers.....
  6. Quoted from: http://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/item/82 I'm ALWAYS for the respect of the standard, no standard no dog. If we want only a mongrel working terrier then we have not problems about mouzzle,size,color etc. However i think that anyone have the power to do what better he want at his own home..... "de gustibus non disputandum est"
  7. Valerio... sai meglio di me quante cose "curiose" succedono con i cani, è troppo facile prendersela con questa ragazza.
  8. Hey mister? Please don't use this words, she is a lady or you forgot it? She is not my female, but if she were... i would not to be happy to ear this things,do you understand?
  9. (I don't know why but i can't mp you....) Hi Wink, where are you from? Can u give me your adress and your phone please? what's your name? Have some pup for the period that i will be in GB? thank you so much,i hope to meet you the next month! Ciao, Nino.
  10. I haven't found contact or adress about Meynell,Gould and Pengelli. Somebody have?
  11. For me the "good" Jack Russell is the worker who is breeded pure,with no other terrier's blood,it can be the best... p.s.: the puppy bitch was mine before that her mate was mated!!!!!
  12. I am sorry that this video has caused misfortune in some of you, it was not what I wanted. I wanted only to show some video of Jagd in artificial hole, used to test attitude of dogs. But I do not understand why to make a comparison jagd Vs patterdales or russells etc. It seems to me strange to discuss about this, I have not never said that jagd it is better… Jagds are Jagds, stop.
  13. I find it on Youtube,are all videos of Ex-Yugoslavia: Lisica=Fox http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ixVOJx9e-I...re=channel_page Jazavacu=Brock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2Ki4I4kuoQ...re=channel_page this is all menu (are more than videos!!):Click for all videos
  14. Probably on next May/June, I will come in GB,first on South after on Midlands.... in my journey i'm interested to visit all the best JR breeders. Who knows to say to me the name of the best known breeders and eventually the links of their kennels? Thanks a lot and sorry for my bad pronunciation... WHY THE TOPIC CHANGES FORM? IS VERY BAD TO READ! PLEASE THE MODERATOR TO PUT IN ORIGINAL FORM,THANK YOU
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