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Nino (Italy)

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Everything posted by Nino (Italy)

  1. Good evening, I'm from Italy and i want to come over in England, the next April, to hunt ROES with the bolt action gun. I don't know about laws and hunting terms, what i must to do to hunt? I know that buck's hunting is allowed from 1st April untill 31 October. Please, can someone help me about that? Thanks, ciao Nino.
  2. Good evening, I'm from Italy and i want to come over in England, the next April, to hunt ROES with the bolt action gun. I don't know about laws and hunting terms, what i must to do to hunt? I know that buck's hunting is allowed from 1st April untill 31 October. Please, can someone help me about that? Thanks, ciao Nino.
  3. Sorry but, I'm the onlyone who thinks that the new B&F is not so accurate???? I try it and hives me 7 mt. when was just 3!!!
  4. Thank you mate, we have not understood, don't forget that i'm not english I have G's telephone number, he gave to me last march. Is a pity that he's no longer the terrierman of SDH, he was a good digger, i've seen him working and i've liked it very much. If you hear him tell to subscribe to THL forum, so we will meet on line again!!
  5. Hi, I've a friend who is looking for a good K.C. breeder of working Border terriers, "she" wants not for hunt but only for working trials here in Europe. Who can say me about a good kennel?
  6. He's no longer the terrierman fo S.DorsetH. ?
  7. Is he member of THL? (sorry but i'm not english, sometime it's difficult to understand)
  8. I bought a super lakeland terrier from him (G.W.) and I've seen him doing his job and liked so much, think he is a good Terrierman, nothing else. Be quite lads.... @ Uncle Don: I don't know this Franco, he comes from south of Italy??
  9. Hi, someone knows the terrierman of the south dorset hunt?
  10. When ready, please send a copy to Italy for me ATB Nino.
  11. Nice pups, pal From what bloodline are they breeded???
  12. ..a la rutunn' tre ieramu: Je, Jennaru me e Je!

  13. Hei Don, the dog in your last photo is the same LOUIE of Deve?
  14. Hey pal,I think I know this truck and his owner.. I've personally worked batman, a good dog; i've eddie's working line jack russells, they are very gameness and good workers. If you want a working dog, ask a working dog and Eddie will give you what you are looking for
  15. ...have seen at the Western Game Fair, last march.
  16. So, if one member can read this and can say it to the secretary, is well. P.s.: I've payed it!!!
  17. I have payed the patch of the club with PAYPAL and it hasn't never arrived to me!!! I try to write an email to the secretary and he don't answer to me too...
  18. That's ok, no problem then! Thanks, Nino.
  19. But i don't understand..I have did something bad or not??? Remeber that english is not my language and i can made some mistake. If i did something please say me so I can improve. ATB NINO.
  20. Nino (Italy)


    Why i have the word "WARN STATUS" writed here, down to my avatar??? Sorry but i don't know, i think my english is not enaugh good to understand, somebody can explain to me?? Thank you, Nino.
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