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Everything posted by ferret_boy

  1. fook me think uve caught ur self a were-wolf there. crackin terriers mate what breedings in the bitch
  2. im looking to get involved with a local club as i am novice with terriers and would love to get out with some experienced hands and learn as much as I can. ive emailed the Scottish terrier club. but dose anyone have a contact for the Strathclyde and District Working Terrier Club or possibly a member as i cant seem to find any details of them on the internet thanks Alan
  3. well as the thread says im a plonker i was looking for a webley falcon not just a falcon i think its a falcon prairie well its the closest approximation i can find thanks for the help
  4. yes its is possible he said falcon but ive had a look on goggle and I cant find any falcon pcps cant get pics up atm but will try and get a loan of a camera and get some up use could do it the other way round and put pics up and i tell you if its the right one
  5. as the title states went and got a new pcp rifle tonight and went to have a look on youtube if i could see any one using them to see what they were like now i know feck all about air rifles but im sure the guy said a vulcan but cant find a pcp Vulcan anywhere just a springer there is a good chance i have picked the guy up wrong but dose any one know if there is a pcp vulcan and could they point me in the direction of some info about them before any one asks theres no markings on the guns thanks alan
  6. any one got any news on this can seem to fiind any more info
  7. crackin mate. do you work your italian greyhounds ?
  8. i would agree also ive got mine in atm and its nightmare dont think it affects there working ability but it dose affect your waitline if they keep nickin your dinner
  9. i do like both of these crosses ive got a 1/2 cross bull and although shes not going any where i would not get another 1/2 cross (all run no brain ) id actualy like something with a bit of both earth&hounds dogs sound ideal especialy if the parents are two workers rather than and untested grey to a collie or a bull Alan
  10. ive voted yes but as other people have said both dogs would have to be exeptional in every way as you are going to be incraseing the percentage of the dams genes in the pups so you are going to be bringing them to the fore good and bad. and as for getting pups dieing and haveing problems this only happens over generations
  11. wish you were a bit closer mate my jrt needs some ratting all neeed to get ma finger oot and get ma driveing leience sorted
  12. this bitch was 22 tts and could kill charlie for fun lost her last year she jumped off a brige after a rabbit gutted to lose this bitch was a cracker RIP NELL
  13. its deffo not a white fronted goose is either a domestic breed or a domestic wild hybrid but im not sue on breed
  14. this is where ive always been confused with some of the first crosses. i can see that some 1st crosses like the terrier and other hunting dog x grey can be tested omn there hunting abiliy and then the best used but what testing can you do on the other dogs that are used like the bulls and collies i mean my 1/2 cross bull/grey when i got her i was told that the sire had been tested but i didnt realy know what means thanks Alan
  15. sounds like a good cross those wee hairy fu*kers are game as f**k LOL
  16. thanks again tommy for the cocker hes and absolute cracker hes working well and shoud go good this season ill be down at the end of the month and i will drop in and see you
  17. i deffo neds to get me some of them.. i know every one say breed best workers not colour but my not have cool colours that are good workers as well :D :yes:
  18. hi mate i have a litter due in a few weeks had 3 litters last year 34 kitts all gone in a week where abouts in scotland are you ?
  19. thnaks for the reply youve got a pm
  20. im looking at getting a lamp and have no clue where to start ive not go alot of cash and dont want to end up buying something thats no use im wanting the lamp for wee, big, and red bunnies any ideas Ta Alan
  21. what about this looks a pretty good deal and it goes p to 1600 lumins link ta alan
  22. dose any one know if theres any where u can watch this online?
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