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Everything posted by beagle1812

  1. Excellent, thanks for the reply. I will of course seek the advice from my local gun shop before I buy anything. As I said above I don’t know too much about these type of guns, but you always learn on this site. I shot my 1st buck last week in Scotland (I will post pics later), think we were using a 270!!!!! (Bullet that is). The game keeper on the estate was with me throughout so loaded the gun etc. Thanks again for answering.
  2. Don't 'shoot' me down with this question (I don't know too much about 'REAL' rifles), would this particular gun be powerful enough to kill a deer? I too will be wanting to purchase something in the future within the same price range. Thanks.
  3. Beautiful buck, amazing that he didn't see you. Nice mount too.
  4. Welcome to the site Allen, What part of Hampshire are you from?
  5. When the nurse was bathing a female patient who had been in a coma for many months, she noticed a reaction when placing a sponge between her legs. When the doctor was notified, he called the husband and asked him to report to the hospital immediately. Upon his arrival the doctor explained that the nurse had seen a reaction when her private parts were stimulated. He suggested that the husband should have oral sex with her because it might lead to improvement in her condition. After about 15 minutes the husband came out of her room and announced that she was dead! "How did that happen?" aske
  6. Soldiers in Afghanistan capture an Arab, they give him a dice and say ‘if you throw a one to five we’re going to kick the S**T out of you. The Arab smiles and says ‘what if I throw a six? Soldier smiles back and says ‘YOU GET ANOTHER THROW’!!!
  7. Love it, love it, LOVE IT!
  8. Oopps, yes I did mean BERWICK (typing too fast and missed the 'R'). Lots of people said there are some stunning heads there. I'm going to bring one back for mounting.
  9. Nice Buck there, I'm off to bonny Scotland for a sopt of stalking next week, I will post pics if I'm lucky!
  10. You learn something new every day! Thanks for the info.
  11. Evening all, I was out walking tonight and saw this deer a few fields away. I know the image isn’t very good, I took it using my mobile phone camera, put the camera up to a pair of binoculars and took it, didn’t think it would work but it did. Anyway, I’m not really sure what kind of deer it is so I thought I’d ask the good knowledgeable folk on here. There were a few more on the way back, but they seemed far too big to be Roe deer! I thought Roe’s were fairly small, but I might be completely wrong. Thanks.
  12. Bloody funny, and so true!
  13. Thanks for the website. Just had a look and he does seem like the 'Daddy'. Charges more than anyone else too, but I guess you get what you pay for! I'll give him a call tomorrow.
  14. Lets hope they say yes! I was going to package the head and put in the main cargo hold (obviously in a case). I know it must sound a bit strange, but it’ll be my 1st deer and I want to get it preserved. The taxidermist said it’ll be ok if it gets to him within 24 hours. If the airline say no then I’ll try and find a taxidermist in Edinburgh. Failing that I’ll just get another seat on the plane for the whole bloody deer!!!!!!!!
  15. Hi All, Anyone know if you're able to bring back a deer head on a plane? From Scotland to England. Flying with Flybe. Any serious answers welcome. Thanks.
  16. Welcome mate, hope you enjoy the site, lots of good folk on here.
  17. Welcome friend, hope you enjoy the site.
  18. NIce shooting Ron. What is your gun??????
  19. Beautiful, just beautiful. Well done.
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