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Everything posted by beagle1812

  1. Did you just have the one Sapper jacket? If so will you be getting anymore? Thanks.
  2. Hey Foxhunter, Are therse Sika deer in your picture? If so they're nice looking animals. I shot my 1st Roe buck a few weeks ago, so just starting out. Thanks, Neil.
  3. Fantastic shooting there, great dvd too(watched it twice now). Very well done.
  4. Fantastic write-up there, looks like you're going to have many more good times there.
  5. Cheeres Lads, I REALLY appreciate all your help and advice. The water is now coming out like a hose. Thanks again. Neil
  6. Hey Al, I've just just a look and I dont seem to have them in my loff:(
  7. Hi All, Does anyone know how to get an airlock out of the water pipes? I have just replaced the water tank in the loft but now have an airlock somewhere, I’ve seen the technique of putting a hose pipe between the two taps, but in my house the hot and cold go in to one single tap so the hose thing isn’t an option! Any serious advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  8. Cheers friend, Just had a look around the land, LOADS of rabbits there big ones too, saw a few squirrels too.
  9. Are the ones on the far left Roe? Nice looking.
  10. A dog trainier told me to drop the dogs metal food bowl on the floor before you feed them, they jump the 1st few times but they get rewarded with their dinner so they're happy. It does work (well it did with my beagles). its a start.
  11. Just had a meeting with a local land owner, regarding shooting. He asked lots of questions (what gun do you use, how long have you been shooting, what do you want to shoot etc), At the end of the ‘interview’ he said he would give me 200 acres to hunt on, and if I respect the land he will increase it to 500 acres in 6 months. I sent 10 letters out to local land owners/farmers had 6 replies 5 saying NO, and the GOLDEN egg saying YES. Just goes to show if you don’t ask you don’t get. I will post images of the land soon. Oh Happy days.
  12. Welcome friend, hope you enjoy the site.
  13. I paid £ about 16 year ago from a lad at wardgreen nr barnsley i dont know if he still does them not seen him for years.atvb I'm getting my Roe buck head done at the moment its going to cost £240 bit steep that like in it lol i was getting it done for £60 but av fell out with the kid that was geting it done for me lol Not really, its the going rate. I always go by 'you get what you pay for'. £60 is mega cheap!!!! £200-£250 going rate for a roe buck ok lets see what you get for £60 £35 for the form +post £10 for decent set of eyes fleshing/tanning and the a
  14. Lets all hope they get what they deserve in prison Poor kid.
  15. Nice looking Buck there. I shot my 1st one last week, it was a chest shot, right through the heart. It did run off about 100yrds before it dropped. As it was my 1st I wouldn't shoot for the head or neck, but the gamekeeper I was with almost always takes head shots as he said they normally drop on the spot. Nice shooting though. What part of the SW are you in? Cheers, Neil
  16. I paid £ about 16 year ago from a lad at wardgreen nr barnsley i dont know if he still does them not seen him for years.atvb I'm getting my Roe buck head done at the moment its going to cost £240 bit steep that like in it lol i was getting it done for £60 but av fell out with the kid that was geting it done for me lol Not really, its the going rate. I always go by 'you get what you pay for'. £60 is mega cheap!!!!
  17. I paid £ about 16 year ago from a lad at wardgreen nr barnsley i dont know if he still does them not seen him for years.atvb I'm getting my Roe buck head done at the moment its going to cost £240
  18. Its the way forward boys and girls!!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/8036901.stm
  19. Not yet, the game keeper did the butchering, I wouldn't have known where to start, it was good to see how its done though from the start. He made it look very easy (people like that always do though )
  20. Good looking head on him, well done.
  21. Fingers crossed it wont be We also spotted 3 Red deer bucks (don't think I could get the head in my case though!!), maybe next time.
  22. Hi Everyone, Thought I’d share my 1st stalking adventure with ya’ll. Went to a large estate in Scotland last week with a friend of mine who is the head keeper, he invited me up as there were lots of bucks running around (one less now). We were up at 03:30 sun was just about rising, we had a coffee (bloody early don’t you know!), to wake up a bit. Looked through the binoculars and spotted 2 Bucks about ½ mile away. It took us 45 mins to get in to a good position, got to the top of a earth mound and looked down at these two bucks (about 85yrds away), the keeper loaded
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