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Terrier Stuff

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Everything posted by Terrier Stuff

  1. I feed lamb hearts and ox hearts but I have never seen pig hearts I dont much like giving to much pork
  2. Thanks but I did,Travis was to big for him I think Travis will stay with us incase we manage to get a fenced in bit for now
  3. Oh right I have always used TCP or Hibi scrub on the dogs
  4. We have had Travis for 3 years,He and Jake are the only dogs we have ever tried to/have rehomed. We have resqued 6 dogs and we are fostering one at the moment,we have at the moment 7 dogs. I am sure that some people sell and buy dogs on a regular basis,we resque and sometimes rehome,is that wrong??
  5. I had the terrier for a few months but he proved to much,so MOLLY helped me find him a home This dog isn't mine (the terrier was mine) He is my Dad's dog but My Dad doesn't come on here so it doesn't make sence for him to make an account just to put up a dog?
  6. DS,do you have a large enclosed space for Travis to run in? His recall is bad so is not good off lead at the moment My Dad may consider driving up to holyhead with Travis in return for good home for him its nice of you all to offer money,maybe DS could use it to get the ferry over to Holyhead??
  7. My dogs love them,though my one dog puts them in my bed..
  8. Ok,thinking about options now. We would want him back if you ever wantid to pass the lad on here is another pic of him
  9. He got arthritis in the actual foot behind where the toe was!
  10. My friends whippet had his toe amputated,the dog limped for months after words and never ran as good again.He also formed arthiritis in the joint afterwords.
  11. Put a sheep docking band on his tail.....:D:D:D:D
  12. Never seen a working springer with its tail! Mine's docked and dewclawed Nice springers cramp,what lines are they? My springer (below) I took the pic in the recent snow we had..:D:D
  13. Large black dog for free Good with children, likes his excersize. He needs a fenced in property,would make a good guard dog as he is protective of his family and property. He does like people when introduced,but barks at people he doesn't know. He is black with a white chest and paws,I think he has some border collie/alsation/retriever in him.
  14. Raw meat and bones my dogs live on it and look great get most of it free from the butcher..
  15. I have a dog I am trying to find a home,he matches everything there but he is large!!
  16. Flo-springer spaniel Laddie-collie cross sheepdog Jake-jack russell Travis-big black mutt Names i like Gordo Jack Bilbo Zip Dot
  17. You could just shout but in rain or alot of sounds your dog wont hear you aswell as the whistle.
  18. Salukis are fantastic dogs,you get the bad ones but the good uns are FAB Cross them with a greyhound and you have a dog that will run for ages but with a lot of speed. tinypic.com/view/?pic=2eg4p75[img/img] Still cant put pictures up..
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