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Everything posted by Lee85

  1. I'm a Leeds lad but I've got to agree with you there!! pssshhh, u there saturday? you must be a fairweather fan
  2. lol - weve got the premiership running scared.... cue craigyboy/topnotch
  3. doesn't touch this and this is real: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtCG0wG-5E0 "artur daley!"
  4. Basically my motorbike went down the other day - I wasn't on it but my clutch lever took the full force - fairings okay etc - apart from today my rear left indicator has stopped working, I changed the bulb and it was working fine but after work yesterday it failed again, now last night I cleaned the indictaor housing and connections out, put a new bulb in - spot on! - got home from work again today and it's failing once again, I know nothing about veicles but i dare say this is a short somewhere, how would I go about finding it? it's not blowing bulbs either
  5. Lee85


    i don't no much about hunting dogs and don't own a dog but rotties are lovely animals, when i have more time i'd have one as a pet straight away, my couasin owns one and it's a belter, lovely temprement aswell
  6. I actually haven't siged it but i'm gunna
  7. I don't know the guy - I just think the sentance is harse as fook, and i'm no druggy either, as someone mentioned youd get away with raping a child and get less over here, and now the reason i posted it i'm laughing writiting this as all those saying shoot him will agree even more!) - is because he's a big leeds fan's and used to be a regular at matches in 's - (before my time but I brought it across from a leeds site! - never the met the chap) anyhow it's been an interesting read!
  8. more about him: http://www.freebillyburton.com/
  9. In 1992 Billy Burton, aged 29, made the biggest mistake of his life. He had been travelling the World, got into extreme financial difficulty and made the terrible decision to carry cannabis out of Manila. Billy was carrying 12lbs of cannabis and was arrested at Manila airport and was subsequently given a life term of 30 years. Initially he was informed that he could expect to serve eight years before being considered for parole; however before he reached eligibility to apply, the Filipino government enforced an embargo on parole for all drug offenders, even if sentencing had taken place p
  10. sorry made me laugh. but yeah it's a very wise post, totally agree
  11. Lee85


    father sums it up perfectly: Mr Houston said: "What are the judges saying here? They are saying it doesn't matter what you do when you come here, who you kill, what laws you break, as long as you have a child here you can stay? "You work hard, play by the rules, pay your taxes and this is how you get treated. What does that say about politicians, our leaders and the legal system? It's a joke." He added: "This man is a criminal, do we have no say who we allow in this country? "He's not a life-saving surgeon or a Nobel prize winner. He was a criminal before, a criminal now and he
  12. Yeah i've done mine not so long since, it's illegal to ride without it, CBT Compulsory basic TRAINING - so don't worry you cant fail as the others have said, I did mine for 125 motorbike but it's the same, so much easier getting to work and back on a bike
  13. dunno but 50 mtrs is bloody good shooting
  15. koppaberg lemon strawberries and lime is nice
  16. it was good, that double on the brown was a good one
  17. Lee85


    is this it http://www.varmintal.com/highpc1.mp3
  18. Lee85


    do rabbit calls actually work?
  19. missed the main fight but enjoyed all the others, was some good fights
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