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Everything posted by Lee85

  1. I've been quite good in the past at getting a few, two is my best in one go. I'm thinking of setting up a little hide out in the field but using the same decoy set, rather been in the hedge i'd then be able to go for them out of the tree, my favourite pest to down as they are hard to get
  2. Well, it's time of year again and the bloody things are everywhere, I went and set up a hide, complete camo, had a good backdrop aswell, a juicy rabbit splayed out on it's back with all the nasty bits out for the birds to see, magpie decoy about a metre away - I thought I was going to have a few in the bag but nothing. I had about 30 crows circle and make noise, landing in the tree's about me, I heard and saw a few magpies but nothing came down and landed, I'm wondering if my decoy is scaring them from landing? maybe just the rabbit on it's own? Anyone have any magpie hunting tips?
  3. sorry this is still for sale, sticking it on ebay aswell - it's three qaurters also
  4. Lee85

    Football chants

    Marching On Together, hands down.
  5. Air Gunning Section - now theres an example of things should be imo, a lot of decent folk with knowledge who make good posts and it's clean and tidy
  6. The name changing is including the price by the way
  7. haha, get your brass out someone its a bargin!
  8. i'll now take £450 because the lovely travel agents are only offering £129 refund, cheeky tw@ts: gallery here: http://picasaweb.google.com/hotelbenalmadenapalace/GaleriaDeFotosHotelBenalmadenaPalace?authkey=Gv1sRgCIXbsc_MuYDcNQ&feat=directlink#
  9. two flights and accomodation for two people to benalmadena costa del sol, staying in benalmadena palace, four star hotel, self catering. fly 10th may and return 17th may. flying from manchester. its cost me 620 but im im wanting 500 due to change in circumstances. its gunna cost me 160 to change the ticket names over. im on my phone at min so will put pics up and a bit more info tomorrow. cheers
  10. two flights and accomodation for two people to benalmadena costa del sol, staying in benalmadena palace, four star hotel, self catering. fly 10th may and return 17th may. flying from manchester. its cost me 620 but im im wanting 500 due to change in circumstances. its gunna cost me 160 to change the ticket names over. im on my phone at min so will put pics up and a bit more info tomorrow. cheers
  11. i'll find out how much these would cost to send threw work
  12. Four handles, lot's of sockets, ideal for those who work on a farm or on trucks/large machinery. used but in complete working order, sockets up to 2": Buyer must collect due to weight: I want £40. All the best. lee
  13. Stig Of The Dump Got it read to us at school by a teacher who read it really well and i thought it was brill
  14. Basically this man raped her 13 year old daughter, was convicted, went to prison and on day release came back to the village where it occurred, saw the victims mum, asked how she was then proceeded to go for a drink in a bar. The mother went home got some petrol, doused him in it then set light to him. He died in agony a few days later. I believe she has now been given a pardon. f*****g BRILLIANT!
  15. The next epispod of Takeshi's Castle could be one of the best yet
  16. I'll put it on facebook, thats disgusting, if i were u i wud write to the head of the church of whatever type of christian they are ie. The archbishop etc
  17. Lee85


    Double post. Bloody phone
  18. Lee85


    Its not their culture becasue their not or a race or a ethnicity thats bollox
  19. Lee85


    Its not their culture becasue their not or a race or a ethnicity
  20. Lucas Radebe would be at centre back
  21. 1.4 LITRE ALLOY WHEELS CD PLAYER AIR CON FRONT SPOTLIGHTS 76000 MILES 11 MONTHS M.O.T 4 MONTHS TAX http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu271/lee85/188539_147089732021186_100001604798912_287869_2909651_n.jpg http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu271/lee85/200289_147090785354414_100001604798912_287879_2068478_n.jpg http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu271/lee85/198749_147090672021092_100001604798912_287878_5787485_n.jpg http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu271/lee85/196473_147090372021122_100001604798912_287873_6803939_n.jpg http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu271/lee85/190099_1470
  22. Obiously yes, i don't think anyone is going to shoot the chavs, tempting as it may be. It's a good story of common sense by the judge and yes it is all about protecting his family
  23. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3419045/Judge-supports-a-19-year-old-dad-who-shot-burglar-in-defence-of-his-young-family.html Good to see some sense provail, could of easily gone the other way
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