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Everything posted by Lee85

  1. Lee85


    "Amy Winehouse's death is a huge loss to the industry. But drug dealers are adament that they can recover "
  2. Lee85


    Unfortunately, her parents can't keep her ashes as it would be possession of a Class A drug.
  3. Lee85

    HAVE IT!!!

    http://a.abcnews.com/images/Technology/gty_leopard_attacks_guard_4_jef_ss_110720_ssh.jpg http://a.abcnews.com/images/Technology/gty_leopard_attacks_guard_5_jef_ss_110720_ssh.jpg "A leopard attacks a forest guard at Prakash Nagar village near Salugara on the outskirts of Siliguri on July 19, 2011. The ferocious cat mauled 11 people in the Indian village before being captured and killed. Click through to view more pictures of the attack and capture. )"
  4. THIS One moved in near us years ago when the sun named and shamed a load, house got firebombed when he wasn't in by someone
  5. This happend to my dad whe nhe worked removing japanese knotweed, he got the all clear aswell, best of luck
  6. Anyone know of a good siit? ive had a good google but they all get you with high postage, especially vista print
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7EK0Izjh_Y&feature=player_embedded For those that don't know Sau paulo were relegated for the first time in their histroy and there was massive riots at the ground etc, this guy watched it at home and his son filmed him
  8. cheers, i can plumb stuff but not really dont exterior windows before, it's a rented property so i'm not plowing loadsa cash in, someone has mentioned some tung oil to me aswell, I've got a bit of putty so i'll give that a go then, missus is nagging as they do so it's time to crack on
  9. Anyone got any product they'd reccomend for painting my exterior window frames, preferably a one-coat solution? thanks
  10. thanks lads! i'll be coming out saturday morning. my plan is get rid and grass that area and stick a pub style bench there for the summer
  11. right cheers, seems simple enough, thanks for the advice
  12. Its in my garden and I want to pull it out and put something new there, how deep generally will the roots be etc? and would I need to dig deep or use a pick etc? not at all green fingered and never done gardening before. tar
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtCG0wG-5E0
  14. funny; http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=210&t=1017090&mid=19567&i=0&nmt=How+to+troll+a+dating+website
  15. Personally I like Haye's cockyness and I genuinely think they dislike each other judging by their facial expressions and body language, I hope Haye beats him and I think he's right about they belts need to leave them two, I think he's a boring boxer and hope haye does the job!
  16. GREAT VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjEl_FgAw5g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjEl_FgAw5g
  17. really enjoyed it yeah, interesting
  18. Just watched a program I enjoyed about current bands in Ireland, enjoyed it, someone else made a post about it- What I'm wondering is there a good book out there that is un-biased and really explains about the troubles etc, how they started etc etc i'm interested and don't know much about it? Thanks
  19. Coincidentally, an anagram of Osama Bin Laden is "Lob da man in sea"
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