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Everything posted by Lee85

  1. I havent ever charged my rifle myself before, and today my cousin got a new rifle and pump, i'm using his pump to charge my rifle but when I get it to the point shown (in the picture) and begin to pump, the ticker on the pump doesnt move and I can hear air hissing out of the adaptor but not going into the rifle, also the adaptor seems to slide into the air slot really easy, like theres no friction. Does this sound like the 'o' rings have gone on my adaptor? Thanks Lee logun_solo.bmp
  3. another pic of it for you is the bsa a .22 - forgot to ask!
  4. Product Code: Pit Bike 140cc - SUPER STOMP 140 - 2008 MODEL Manufacturer: Stomp Racing Product Weight: 0 Engine Size 140cc Engine Spec Single Cylinder 4 Stroke Braking Front / Rear Disk - Braided Brake Lines Tyres Kenda MX Tyres Getting Going Kick Start Fuel Unleaded Carburetor 26 mm Mikuni Frame SGD Cradle - Chromoly High Stress Steel Clutch Manual Max Rider Weight None ***********************************************************Top Speed 70 MPH Suspension Upside Down Oil Filled Forks / Adjustable Rear Shock
  5. yeah its got a clutch, not too sure about top end speed - here a youtube video demonstating the acceleration, nothing to do with us though - its someone else video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6EEEJdp_EQ
  6. there you go, thats the actual bike. just waiting to get in touch with my cousin but I like them bsa's so i reckon he'll be up for that, with the pump aswell i rekon he'll be chuffed. i'll give you a bell as soon as i know.
  7. * 140cc Engine * All Up N1234 Gearbox - Kick In Gear * SGD Cradle Frame * Big Bore Exhaust * Lightweight Oil Cooler * Upside Down Oil Filled Forks
  8. thats not the actual bike but one the same mate, its a race tuned 08 model. i'll get you some actual pics up shortly
  9. coursing mad, i'll give u a bell in a bit, just getting in touch with my cousin and seeing what he thinks, cheers for all your replies
  10. Did you keep an eye on the follow through Lee :sick:
  11. by the way, with in reason i will deliver the bike, i.e yorkshire. genuine people only. thanks Lee
  12. Okay heres the lowdown, my cousin came shooting with me and its the first time he's used a decent pre-charged air rifle and now he wants one. He's got a Stomp 140cc Race Tuned Pit Bike, in A1 condition, paid about £700 for it a year ago and he's willing to swap it for a good air rifle with scope, thats about it, if anyone is genuinly interested i'll get you pics up and more details, either PM me or use this thread. I think to sell the bike we'd be looking at about £350 - which we'll be doing if this doesnt come off, thanks for reading! Heres a stock photo of the pit bike: http://img16
  13. heres another one of mine, no word of a lie: I stalked up near to a tree which had about 3 pigeons in it, got one in target down my scope at about 20 metres away, I was just going to take my shot but I needed to fart, so I farted and they all took off!! Couldn't believe it!
  14. Was out shooting yesterday, tracking down a rabbit which i'd spotted quite far away, i was being quite as a mouse, I got in distance, raised the rifle - i'm looking threw the scope - then from behind me... Thud! A bloody tree rat only fell outta the tree it was in! I spun round and blatted it the head, but off all the places in the woods the unlucky git landed next to me!! Unfortuanatley I didnt have my camera on me. anyone else had funny going on?
  15. top bloke i'm paying £4 a fill at the moment just for my gun, thats around £320 for fills! gotta get a bottle then!
  16. 12.2 Litre 300 bar bottle, i'm thiinking of getting the one on this page, second item down, £219: http://www.airgunbuyer.com/Showproducts.as...ing%20Equipment Its a complete kit, which i would rather buy to be honest. So how many times do you rekon that would fill my 200bar logun? thing what gets me, theres probably more air in our rifles than in a tractor tyre, scary!
  17. I'm going to get myself a divers bottle to charge up my logun solo, currently i'm taking my rifle to a local shop and paying £4 for 200bar of pressure putting in it!! So just a few questions about the dive bottle, Roughly how many fills of my gun would i get from say a seven litre dive bottle? Is there any sepcial storage requirements for them, or will it be okay in the shed? Cheers
  18. im not a bird watcher at all to be honest, possibly it was a jay but it wan't as 'nice' and i think it lacked the blue bits? i'll try shoot one and get a photo!
  19. ive seen 3! there not jays, too big
  20. Anyone ever seen them? Theres loads near me, someone told its because there young, and will turn black as the grow older - i don't believe that, there the same size as normal? anyone?
  21. I might go for it, i'll update the topic as and when, brass is a bit tight at the mo, but in the near future i'll give it a go. thanks for them links, some usefull bits I might be able to pick up
  22. just swopped em out for some dome headed spitfire pellets, similar price.
  23. Right, basically i've got an old Relum Tornado thats been neglected in a bag in the shed. Now my younger brother likes shooting so i'm trying to restore so that'll it'l do the job for him, heres whats up with it: Pellets stuck in the barrell No pin at the back of the barrell that holds the spring in Rusty barrell Wants a new spring The pellets stuck in the barrell, a local shop owner said he'd get them out for me, the problem being is that it loads from above, like a tap system, but he seems to think he can do it. The rust i'll take off with a bit of oil, and i've seen
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