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Everything posted by Lee85

  1. I've got a new permisson recently, and its very open, mostly flat. I've only walked around it once but its a place what see's very little human contact and the wildlife there is really good. The problem with this is that when the rabbits see me, at a full fields length - there off! So i'm going to invest in some netting to maker into a hide. Now i'm looking at getting a big piece say 8ft x 12ft woodland camo netting, and as I've never used it before I was thinking off doing like a triangle with some poles and nothing over the top and standing up to shoot, over the top of it, is th
  2. just out of interest - bsa ultra owners - what case did you keep your gun in? there too short for normal length ones and you have a baggy bit at the end, anyone know where you can but a special case? cheers
  3. Any BSA ULTRA owners - what rifle case/box do you have/use? There really small guns and my case is too long really, if so how much and where from. Thanks Lee
  4. whats a dry action? also - how much does a good service cost at your local gunsmith?
  5. thanks for the replies, just waiting on the sgc then!
  6. Some one near me has been done twice for that, tresspassing with a firearm. He recieved £2000 in fines and a confiscated rifle, then he got 12 months in prison. Just for an air rifle?
  7. mental, isn't that barrel to short for the uk?
  8. IF I get my SGC i'm planning on getting one of these as my first shotgun. I like the pump action models. Has anyone got one of these? By what i've read there reliable and a good standard? Would you reccomend? I'm also suprised at how cheap you can pick a shotgun up, some air rifles are more expensive, although I do know you can pay thousands and thousands for shotguns. 12 gauge Pump Action, Blued finish, Honey Satin finished wood, Ported 28" VR Accu-Choke barrel w/3 choke tubes There wanting £357 which i'd be looking to spend about this much. Thanks Lee
  9. yeh Tom guns fine thanks mate, we took it out last night and got 2 rabbits with it. the pumps fine aswell in my cousins rifle, enjoy the bike!
  10. i've had 4 with my air rifle, although now the woods are in bloom there quite hard to see.
  11. cheers for the advice, something else I wondered - When I attatch the pump to the gun, shouldn't the gauge already tell you whats in the gun? i.e Say theres already 150 in the gun but I want to top it up to 200 how do I know i'm not putting over 200 into the gun and damaging bits?
  12. i'll update this thread when I know what they've said.
  13. forgot to move the food i'd laid out and this morning at 6am I could here the little twa*s crowing at each other fighting over it all, i'd of got the rifle out but the baby was asleep in the cot so didn't want to wake him, when I got up for work at 7:15 there was one still there but the neighbours were having breakfast in the conservatory and there bird lovers
  14. the adaptor is pushed right up to the nut, I replaced the o'rings and it did seem to work better but still not perfect, the bleed nut on the pump itself is turned 'off'. The gun isn't cocked either and the air seems to leak from the adaptor area, when I fill using a dive bottle I don't have this problem so I think i'm gunna stick to that to be honest. When my cousin came over we did it using his rifle and seemed to work okay, altho when we got to around 100bar it was to hard untill we bled the air off and put another hundred in, they seem a bit of a nuicance these pumps.
  15. funny you posted this because today for the first time I decided to bait magpies, i got a crow also. I put a bin liner on top of the shed, no foil, and i put out 2 eggs, ham and bread, within 20 mins i'd shot one. i then went shooting elsewhere and my partner told me while i was gone there had been 3 more magpies down!
  16. cheers mate, i'll go for it, they can only say no i suppose, if they refuse do you lose your £50? Cheers
  17. Lee85

    big rat

    bloody hell, that is big. i havent even seen a rat around here.
  18. OK, it's just the whole 'theft' thing, if i wrote maybe they'd take it into account that I didn't really steal a car. also, will they already know this? i wonder exactly how much information is stored on the police computers. anyone else had any experience, maybe even a police officer who comes on here?
  19. Basically I'm applying for my shotgun certificate and I have a conviction for car theft (Taking Without Owners Consent). Now, I'm not a car thief what so ever, what happened was I took my girlfriends car a few years ago on Christmas day to take my cousin for some cigs at a petrol station, crashed the car etc and the rest is history. I wouldn't even know how to gain entry to a car without the keys. Big mistake but it happened. It does mention on the form that 'If you wish to provide any information further to the questions below separately to this form, you must sign and date that infor
  20. i ended up using some lube from condom to lubricate it! But I think the pump might of bust, i was pumping away and heard a pop, anyhow I couldn't see owt, i stopped trying to charge it, took everything out and tightened all the bolts on the pump, tried again - but the needle seems to start on '20barr' and doesn't go down to 0, my cousin ain't even used it yet!!
  21. right, i've been to the plumb centre and got some o rings, someone in another thread mentioned something about lubricating them, will a drop of WD40 do the trick? or is this no good just incase some gets in the air barrell?
  22. my cousins is a BSA Ultra - but I have my own adaptor which is for my rifle and it screws into the hose fine with the spanner?
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