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Everything posted by Lee85

  1. yeah personally i'd get a good springer, i'm sure it'll last you for what you need mate.
  2. I'm from Bingley, i use a shop called 'Trader' in Shipley to fill my rifle, although its not a gun shop - they just do refills and sell second hand guns. I've heard about Bradford Shooting Supplies - They might sell rifles, give them a buzz first: 01274 600003‎ 161 Brownroyd Hill Rd Bradford, BD6 1RU You say you don't like the bottles on the guns, the rifle foryou might be the Daystate Hunstman Classic: Bottle nicely tucked away in the stock and a really nice looking gun - The Airgun Centre do it for £726 with scopes and mounts, 500 pellets and a case, then if yo
  3. for a grand you laughing, pick what you like really, i'm not an expert by any means but all the daystate range look nice and there about that and under, also if it's just for your own garden why not get a nice reliable springer which everyone on here would agree is fit for the job?
  4. I personaly have permission and I would never shoot anywhere without it - but I know lads who 'poach' on council land, they've been caught by the police and were just told to go home and not do it there again.?
  5. just done my scope and silencer, just make sure you pull it really tight and stretch it as you put it on, here you go: DSC02221.jpg (3.6 MB)
  6. cheers. The area we were shooting in we spotted a tree where crows roost, as we got near they all started circling us, there must of been a few hundred, real shotgun fodder, but seen as though I dont own a shotgun it could be some good decoying in future!
  7. My cousin and me went out for a few hours tonight, little bit of decoying with a opened up rabbit and decoy magpie. got a magpie and crow, then a mouch around and we got 5 rabbits, saw hundreds tho, wasnt very stealthy. here are the pictures:
  8. I recently sent an air rifle to a lad from here, £7 via Interlink next day delivery.
  9. it is a glass tank yes mate! I'm only selling it because were moving in August and I can't be bothered having to worry about moving a tank full of fish, and I want to start over again with a bigger tank at the new home. And apparntly you can post fish as long as you pack them okay, so if your still interested give me a shout mate. Thanks Lee
  10. i'd fully post it all to you mate but it's livestock? the fish?
  11. fair play, spawn of the devil the b*****ds, pedo's of the sky. I woke up the other morning at first light and heard one outside my bedroom window in the tree, so i flew downstairs into the cubby hole, loaded up and shot to the garden but it'd flown away!
  12. 2 ft fish tank, and cabinet with all the fish and bits: 3 GOLDEN DANIOS 4 GLOW LIGHT TETRA 1 RED TAIL SHARK 4 HARLEQUINS 4 RUMMY NOSE TETRA 1 PLEC 2 FT TANK WITH PLASTIC LID FLUVAL 3 PLUS FILTER WATER HEATER BUBBLE PUMP 2FT BEECH WOOD CABINET £60 I'll get some photos up tonight when i'm home from work. It'd probably have to be collection only - Bingley (Bradford) Thanks
  13. that rilfe is a beast, which I had a FAC, really nice, good shooting btw.
  14. 14! thats bad! didn't realise that! I gave him it, well he paid postage if you want to include that, better than in my shed anyway! To put the rifle spring back in you could get it inbedtween your legs and put all your weight on it, then get a mate to pop the new drill bit to hold it there, I think thats how I did it! Took my weight and some pushing down with my arms. Bit of oil and a new coat on that stock, bit of gun bluein and it'll be off!
  15. Just bought one!!! spawn of the devil!
  16. you hear about that young kiddy who got bit by a tick from a squirrel, lyme disease he got and I think it paralysed him.
  17. do find less rabbits are out when its really hot? good shooting by the way mate!
  18. I haven't got around to doing this but if anyone wants it, and is willing to pay postage i'll send it them.
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