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Everything posted by Lee85

  1. Lee85

    mixed bag

    yeah good shooting fella! spawn of the devil them tree rat fookers
  2. can't beat some proper urban camo davy! good shooting mate
  3. done a bit more research nad yeah i think it is a bit dear that. basically wanting a good reliable rifle and scope for £500 us, thats the budget
  4. I'm after a rifle for my pal and he's been offered a Falcon Raptor Light Hunter FN19 with a nice scope and boxes, for £500. Now I can't find much information on these or what he should be paying a such, has anyone had one or used or know anything about the value? The rifle is near new as the fella probably hasn't put a full tin of pellets threw it as he's a shotgun man. Any help apprciated. Thanks
  5. Lee85

    xbox 360

  6. to be honest i havent checked but i'll look into that, like a say i've a restaurant for the rabbits. personally i class them as a vermin species & i'm not to bothered about them but if there was a local game dealer and they could be put to use then why not.
  7. cheers lavyheed - The squirrels go the the ferrets and get buried. michael - wait till the autum is in full swing and the the tree rats will have no cover! works a treat!
  8. it is a brilliant place to be honest, farmhouse smack bang in the middle of the sticks, theres woodland and fields, bargin!
  9. thought you meant took her out as in 'shot her'. nevamind
  10. good shooting, i'd love to shoot them things
  11. it's my sons 1st birthday this weekend so i won't be shooting but the next time we go I think it's going to be just for rabbits (from a hide) - a local restaurant has told me that he will take the rabbits from me and they'll go straight on the menu which is good! bit of pricey place aswell!
  12. just after first light I find, and an hour in the evening, it's really quite in the woods we go to but then you'll hear the shells dropping from whatever there eating and all of a sudden it sounds like its raining, well it is but not rain, just shells from nuts. looking threw the scope for 5 solid minutes sometimes waiting for a shot to present itself - you can just see roughly where they are because of brances shuddering and as soon as you get that head shot take it.
  13. So again this Sunday just gone we went for the squirrels again, went to Swilington, got the rifles filled and went early Sunday, this time my cousin came and there were 3 of us and 2 rifles, so we just took a shot each and helped each other spot. My cousin slept at mine and we got up at half 5 and had a coffee and off we went, i'd shot 6 greys before they'd got one, my mate got just the 1 this week, my cousin got 2 and the rest are all mine!
  14. off to build a hide now for tommorrow morning!
  15. we used no bait at all, the hide we build had a roof on it so they couldn't see us from above. Most were shot while moving from one bit to another, after an hour or so the bit infront of the hide was fairly quiet so we had a walk around and used the hide as a base to meet for coffee etc. I think only around 2 were shot on the floor, we stood under the tree we knew they were in, leaves being a problem, and made note of where the 'shells' were dropping, whatever they were eating, wait a minute then shot them as they move on, within the short time we had! roll on sunday!
  16. thanks, were going again this sunday and were gunna try and beat it. i'll be charging up my proper camera. Were doing on the same permission buy a slightly different are.
  17. cheers for the commments, same again for me this sunday! i didn't cook them, some went to the ferrets and the rest were incinarated, hopefully one day we'll see the red squirrels again. i've no qualms about 'wasting' tree rats tho, there a nuicence and there around my area in abundance!
  18. to be honest when we were leaving they were still bloody loads!
  19. Sunday just gone my friend and I decided to go on a squirrel hunt, we decided to go at 6am untill 2pm which we did, it's the first time we've ever done a 'proper session' - normally we just have a few hours walking around. Anyhow,I took the guns to Swilington Shooting Supplies in Leeds on Saturday dinner, got them both filled up and then came home, went to the place we were going to shoot, built a hide and zero'd the rilfes. I was using my Logun Solo 10 shot .22 Mate was using my cousins BSA Ultra Single shot. Got there at 6:30am, started to make our first coffe in the hide and th
  20. I've declared war on the tree rats around here, i'm leaving the rabbits alone for a bit - spawn of the devil sqizzers
  21. just got back after a quick stroll, got nowt! saw 3
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