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Everything posted by Lee85

  1. 2 unwanted upgrades, where happy with out mobiles so are selling, brand new in the box, locked to Orange, want £160 each - some people are flogging them for £200 used, these are new. Play.com have them at £240 - 8 mega pixel camera and all the razz mat taz: cheers
  2. my step dad has a photo of a rabbit up a tree but it was because it was been chased by a ferret and jumped up!
  3. "Young Muslims at an anti-radicalism conference in Bradford have condemned the planned march by a controversial Islamic group at Wootton Bassett. Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK’s Muslim Youth League urged extremists to stop promoting hatred at the conference, held at the Manningham Mills Community Centre. The conference was attended by more than 200 university students. The announcement came after Islam4UK said it would apply to Wiltshire Police to march through the town famous for honouring dead British troops, despite calls for it to be called off. The group has said
  4. go live in Ireland and get yourself a tiger mate! no cat shit in your garden either that way.
  5. i'm sure there was some templates on here a bit ago but I can't find them, anyone point me in the right direction? cheers
  6. What , even in bradford ????? not in bradford mate
  7. I gave an old relum tornado away on here a while back - otherwise i'd of offered that, good luck any fella. If the relum guy is reading this - hows it coming on?
  8. ^ Typical man u fan. notice his location.
  9. - Cillit Bang - guaranteed to remove scum from cups.
  11. :whistling:for dogging?
  12. well done mate, I once stood under a corvid tree that they were flying around and landing in, with no camo or cover and shot 3 dead before they decided enough was enough and flew away - I love it when you shoot one they go mental and fly around making noise. Also for your photo uploading, I use photobucket, its free, you upload your pics then click on 'share' and copy the link for forums into your HL post - easy as that.
  13. i've got one I made mysekf that I use to zero. I took the net outta my landing net, and shoved a suitably shaped stick in the hole - job done, and it folds into itself. bargin
  14. roll on sunday, saturday is hide building and then sunday is shooting, were using decoys as well as it's really open, a tough permission all flat and the rabbits go as soon as they sense you. havent shot there for months!
  15. that really pisses me off when that happens!
  16. Thinking of goin this sunday, my local forecast is 1-2 degrees celcius but dry, as good a day as any to go? I doubt I'll see many squirels in this cold but I'm thinking a few pigeon/magpie decoys maybe, will the rabbits pop out do you think? Also anyone have any experience of shooting in the snow? That would be interesting so i'm gunna give that a go when I get chance aswell, went out when it was bucketing down the other week and bagged a woody so i'm not put off by bad weather. What are experiances?
  17. cheers phantom. That first one saw me and ran up the tree but I stayed still and waited, after about 2 mins curiosity got the better of it and it stuck it's head up between the 'v' of the two branches to spot me, but that's all I needed and down he went.
  18. thanks, my mate was out on his own today as i was xmas shopping in leeds with the missus - he only managed 1 squizzer! - told him was shit - as you do!
  19. I went out for a few hours this aft, I got my mates & my rifle filled up in the morning and went shooting at about 1pm. I took my mates Air Arms S400 Classic .22 instead of my Logun Solo as he wasn't coming and I fancied using the newer rifle. Really like the AAS400 actually, wouldn't mind getting one myself, seems really acurate and feels good. Anyhow, it was really quiet so I just took my time and strolled around, all in all I bagged 4 tree rats and a rabbit, here are the pictures: rabbit found the slow cooker and the squissers were charcoaled, horrib
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