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Everything posted by Lee85

  1. Yeah, i've got all the timber cut today at work on my break - i'm making the one on this site following the plans, never made one before but i'm gunna give it a shot - just gotta but the springs from ebay. I noticed it wasn't a british magpie - still an evil looking fooker mind! Hopefully you lot will pop a few in your ends too!
  2. It worked for me did that at my old house, i'm gunna set about building a Larsen trap aswell! Theres magpie galore around here and the songbirds must be taking a right kicking!
  3. Well, we had some little songbirds nesting in the ivy in our garden, we watched them build two nests and settle in, gathering bits from the garden, was good to see - my 16 month old son says 'birdie' and watches them from his high chair in the mornings and enjoys them. Now, I came home from work yesterday and a magpie flies out of the ivy, I went over to check and theres a load of brocken egg shells with blood and no songbirds! I presume that the parents were driven away as i couldn't see any dead songbirds but unfortunatley the eggs got ate. So it's declared - the war on magpies! Jus
  4. yeah I think I will have the metal detector out, bought for my daughter a bit back and havent really used it
  5. Looks good that! me and my mate built one on our permish & a dog once came to his side - didn't see us - but took a piss his side and some came threw! cheered me up anyway!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvYvECi_sjM
  7. Looks nice that pal, have fun with it! I was looking at an R10 in Swillington the other day, can't afford it at the moment though!
  8. haha there my mates trainers, he had blisters and didnt want to wear the old boots! This is actually an old cellar from a rich mill owners mansion, it's all underground, there actually more than that and even rumours of long, long tunnels up to the canal - havent found these though. If it was a morgue I wouldn't be going down there! As for the Jays we have loads and loads down here at the moment!
  9. Here are some pictures of what me and my mate got at the weakend,he got a squirrel, a jay and a woodie, I got a Jay, there are also some pictures of some old ruins and pictures from inside the cellars which you can still get into from when it was a mansion 100's of years ago, someone was interested last time I posted them so here are more, sorry I don't have time at the moment to do a full write up: Here are the ruins, I do have more if anyone is interested:
  10. good luck and good health to you and your son mate, i'd hate to think of anything like that happening to my children and i'm happy that he's on the road to recovery, atb!
  11. Heres the seat on the Tesco direct site: http://direct.tesco.com/q/R.203-2368.aspx "This Maxi Cosi Tobi Car Seat has an innovative harness system meaning you can strap your child in the seat in double-quick time. It includes a colour indicator which shows that your child is secured properly. This chair can recline in 5 positions and comes with an adjustable head rest. The Maxi Cosi Tobi car seat has a user weight of 9 - 18 kg" It's in A1 Condition, used but in spanking condition no marks to the fabric or anything £100 or i'd post for £120 Some reviews here if your into th
  12. Lee85


    hmmm, I'm in two minds now, my mate tried a bit on rusty screwdriver and said it was ok! I'll have think before cracking on I rekon! i've a small silver bit on my rifle which i will try it on, thanks for the replies.
  13. Lee85


    Alrite, I've got a small tub of gun bluing gel to do my mates and my air rifle - i've never used it before - How much do I use? Any certain technique etc? cheers
  14. Lee85


    when did they fight? I'll try and post a link for the fight on here later, found a really good one last time.
  15. PITMANUK -Dunno you have heard of 'Cookie Monster' (not the puppet one!) but this a mix of his own productions, some belters: http://www.mediafire.com/?mzmmy2vizgu
  16. Hahaha I love benga, rusko, caspa, bar9, anything from hospital records. (that's all drum& bass + dubstep) Same here, so long as it's pure dirty filthy bass you can't go wrong!
  17. good read and a lovely looki ng bit of land mate well done
  18. Lee85


    I'm starting to get seriously worried with this postal strike. My Michael Jackson tickets still haven't arrived!
  19. Lee85


    very naughty but if makes someone laugh there worth it!
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