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Everything posted by Lee85

  1. i'd be tempted to try a decoy as well mate- works well for me, also i've never tried this but even a stuffed teddy is meant to get them down if it's near their nesting area, good luck
  2. the shit thing is mate, your not wrong..... :sick:
  3. heres's his mam's thought, feel sorry for her too: http://www.thesun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/2830065/Mothers-pledge-to-kill-sick-Ryan-Yates.html
  4. theres another image of the sick b*****d, thing is I read that thinking how it could of been my mother and kids, or anyones mother and kids - so glad the b*****d didn't get his way, really sickend me - and what makes it worse is he'd just gotta outta jail 5 days earlier - who the f**k was watching him? so wrong
  5. they should just shoot him, no if's or but's. can't believe he actually told the police his plan was to rape them kids, sick c**t. they should put nonces in with the normal lads in prison, not give them their own wing for safety, that'd teach em
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/north_east/8636891.stm scary reading that, and what he intended to do, glad the sicko is locked up
  7. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BOYS-NICHOLAS-DEAKINS-HAMBLE-SHOES-SIZE-UK-3_W0QQitemZ290362445603QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=&rvr_id=&cguid=a26967271260a0e202a308f3ffcbfea7
  8. smart casual, i usally wear plain clean trainers and there ok with that around here
  9. totally f*****g stinks this, wankers
  10. Well done mate and good sniping there! How do you go about opening conversation - do you literally offer pest control? obiously being polite is a start
  11. Lee85


    somebodys told me about them i've applied just waiting on them now. have you had dealings with these before? really bad people to deal with, massive interest rates. you pay back weekly, they call at your house for the payments. if you got the loan today, your first payment would be next week. It shouldn't be an option if you can avoid it mate. totally agree, they are bad news and you pay back double but if you can afford a tenner a week and your desperate,
  12. Lee85


    theres always www.providentpersonalcredit.com but there 110% skanking b*****ds, borrow 1p pay back 1000000000
  13. Lee85


    wonga are really good and there not extorsionate, all you gotta do is send email photo of your bank statement or fax/piture message it, i've used em a couple of times: WONGA
  14. well, went to check my trap last night and some tw@ has stolen it, asked the landowner and he hasn't touched it, so some theiving git has been on and took it, i'm gunna have to build another.
  15. Hows does the side door version work, with there been no perch to land on? also do you know of any plans to make them in timber? thanks
  16. Looks brilliant that mate i envy you, i'm really wanting a new gun but the solo will have to do me for now untill i can afford one. i'm going halves with my mate on a 12ltr 300 barr bottle with all the bits needed to fill tommorrow, trip to blackpool air rifles to grab it in the morn. good luck pal look forward to seeing it done and your review, how much do they cost if you dont mind? also whats your shots per fill ratio etc, lovely rifle atb
  17. mines own made, i'm going down again to check it tonight, i wonder if the metal ones work better
  18. Rats wouldn't get threw the 1" wire would they? also theres no droppings and the tray hadnt tipped up? it's a wierd one
  19. Here's on for you - been and checked the trap tonight, just got back - All the dog biscuits have gone (15 in each silver tray in each compartment) - and the traps haven't sprung! - no mice droppings and not a crum left! theres no way anyone would have seen us and is winding us up and also the biscuits we used were 'morsels' so i highly doubt a smaller bird could take them and leave no crums - also the trays haven't been tipped up to suggest mice/rats? very strange, wev'e re-baited tonight and put some really thin sticks threw crisscrossed just above the split perches so a magpie would have to
  20. ** READ Clints posts again but imagine that Meercat from the tv as his voice, makes him more amusing!
  21. My mate had a good service from them also, he bought the multi-shot for the s400 and it arrived quick and works a treat!
  22. yeah maybe, my thinking behind they plastic decoy was that when I use it only and i'm setting up to decoy it's seems to bring them down?
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