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Everything posted by Lee85

  1. Lee85


    Go to google type in tit head click (im feeling lucky)instead of search - very true! I got this: Is that right?
  2. Lee85


    Go to google and type in: 2204355 then click 'i'm feeling lucky' instead of search - wierd!
  3. it's sad but true, my 18th month old son knows what things are though, I always have him out for walks round the coutryside and point him the animals out, we actually have a 4ft fish tank filled with tadpoles and baby frogs at the minute and he can tell the difference, he even trys to say there names, we did have some baby birds in a nest again but the mapies had there way - again! my son can say 'naughty magpie' while wagging his finger which is good! It's the kids in london what have it worst, places like that - some have never seen a cow, shame.
  4. My mate lives on the end of some terraced houses and theres flying rats all over his roof, were both air gunners but can shoot them outta his skylight as 1. it's illegal and 2. they'd be off after one shot, is there any pigeon trap plans or is there some kinda poison? thanks
  5. Alex Curran doesnt have a sister, just brothers - unless he's bumming one them
  6. she loves miley cyrus but she's not over here at the moment ive checked otherwise that would of been the one! might get her some miley bits for the bedroom mind
  7. tar for the replies, she has a laptop, got her a phone for xmas, she recently got new clothes becuase she needed them, the cats a no no unfortunatley - spawn of the devil they are, i'm looking into a second hand nintendo wii at the minute - a lad at work has told me you can make them play any game from an external hard drive without actually going inside it and it only takes about 45 mins so I like the idea of that - saving on games etc!
  8. Has anyone got a daughter this age? what would you buy them? i was thinking nintendo wii but there a bit too expensive, maybe an mp3 player or something, I find girls hard to buy for really, almost swung round to the idea of a kitten but i dont like cats so probably not! ?
  9. Last tournament scotland were in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW1RwKYhYYk
  10. Lee85

    bin laden

    your all just small counties in england, we practically run you all aswell so it's understandable that your a bit bitter, enjoy it while you can
  11. it's the part what it didnt show where the uncle comes in pissed and shaves it then bums it's that you want to be worried about love
  12. I don't think there's owt up with it? The dog will be an 'actor' anyway and probably got some treats for doing that? Just an advert in my opinion
  13. Used but only had one bird in it, treated etc, £40 collecton or £50 posted, comes with perches and split perchs for setting the trap - hand made and sterdy! if anyone wants pics just say - thanks
  14. I know nothing about this sort of thing but I found this mate: http://www.shiply.com/pet-moving/dog-transport.php
  15. who remebersd anthony small the former boxing champ? he's at it: http://sify.com/sports/ex-british-boxing-ace-among-muslim-protesters-who-abused-troops-news-news-kgtpOdhcjfd.html
  16. Lee85


    I was squatting in a flat the other day when the owner walked in. He said, "What the hell are you doing?" I said, "Having a shit mate." -------------------------------------------------------------------- Why is everybody having a go at Venezuela? They're not even playing at the World Cup! -------------------------------------------------------------------- What do you call a Frenchman in the knockout stages of the World Cup? Referee. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- France are now fighting for survival and hoping another cou
  17. Lee85

    new dad

    Congratulations mate!
  18. get up there with a lump hammer
  19. yeah well in davy, hate the pests! i'm in two minds wether or not to go out after tea with my decoy and go after them, looks like rain here
  20. Lee85


    lampard was shit, rooney - where was he? Fair enough heskey doesnt score goals, which he should as an attacker but bar his dodgy shot i thought he had a good game
  21. Lee85


    he set the goal up tonight and had a good game, your talking horse poo boss
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