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longdog runner

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Everything posted by longdog runner

  1. prob showing my age with this one "I`ll have your guts for garters "
  2. and " look what the cat dragged in "
  3. one i have heard alot of the older people here in wales say when they are shocked by something" WELL BUGGER ME !" or "WELL I`LL BE BUGGERED !" LOL
  4. both nice strong looking dogs in good condition should be a nice mix hope you got no skeletons in the closet though, the THL police will be here shortly to vet you and the dogs lol
  5. are all 3 of you tied in the pic ? lol just kidding, good luck with the sale
  6. dont let the sad little b*****ds grind you down onzblue, none of them know you or the situation you were or are in, i would advertise them elsewhere mate. we all make mistakes but we all have to make sure we learn from them, the past is the past nothing can change it, not even fuckthebum and dotty doo burning you at the stake for your crime, you can partly right the wrong by getting these pups good working homes good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck
  7. Whats the other option ? put them on here and let you be judge and jury ?? I must admit fuckthebum, you do a good job on your mission but you are getting a bit boring. You should get a job in social services, that way you may stop future members/pedlers on here actually being born. fuckthebum ? thats fantastic lol but as for the witch hunt that sucks, live and let live this guy had a accidental litter ffs if you dot want one dont buy one give the guy a break
  8. Looks like all you're on here for is trying to get a free dog? i reckon the lad who is getting shut can judge for himself if the person is on here just for a freebie imo you should get a job as a private dik lol alot of people here would say he is already a dick
  9. hows the sire bred by one dog shafting another
  10. absolutely right. but you wont get through to them because they have probably bought a pup off these peddlers. and you are in fcukthebans arse deeper than all the others pre dater man
  11. It doesn't take me more than 10 minutes to look up people so I wouldn't call it my lifes purpose and you're not in my way at all fcktheban you really do need to get a life and stop hassling people, and all your cronies who are up your arse need to realise what you are
  12. good news, bunch of wannabe hitlers
  13. Pro sport for sure GO TEST ONE AND SEE WHY
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9fIjYnPazc
  15. AA Prosport everytime, best springer about, i not a fan of pcp either, tried a few including the bsa s10 and the aa s410, have had quite a few springers inc weirachs and a tx200 but nothing is near it in my eyes
  16. Give the feckers what they deserve, i hope you catch them and they get it good luck with your quest
  17. why not turn it into a bigger charity boxing event ie. collie cross owners v bull cross owners lol and give half to air ambulance and half to lurcher rescue?
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