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Everything posted by ferretmaniac

  1. I will get some more decent pics. The jill is small hasnt rele grown much since she was a kit. Narrow face, red eyes. 100% Albino but fantastic thorough worker!!
  2. This is the Hob he has a slight bit of pole cat in him. Has the polecat face. Strong jaw!! big head!!
  3. Just thought i would let you guys have a look at my ferrets. Both of them are good workers specially the jill. They are just a year old. The Hob has been snipped so all is well for this spring. The Hob is on the Right n Jill on left (Jack and jill)
  4. Looks like you all had a brillaint day! You didnt finish up too bad either. You have a lovely looking dog. I have rough coated bitch she is wheaton X. Your dog seems to know [bANNED TEXT] the crack is anyway at ferreting. Brilliant post. Cute ferret aswell! Ferretmaniac
  5. She looks lovely by the way! Of course there is time to hunt her especially if she aint been out before. I have known dogs to still work at 12 yrs old! Thats [bANNED TEXT] there bred for!
  6. only was to stop it is to kill the fox i reckon pal You'll never stop it ........it's called "Nature"........ :) :) Aye i wouldnt bother doin anything about it. I know it's a pain for ferreting but the poor bugger has to eat however he does it. So i would let nature take its course! Ferretmaniac
  7. Ben i spose there sarcastic claps as if to say ABOUT TIME U JOINED! EH?
  8. Nice runs by the way. Aye my boyfriend knows of john hubery i might ask him. Cheers anyway folks!!
  9. Hello i have been after a Walk in ferret run for my 2 ferrets. I am trying to arrange to get one for the summer as it will be better for them to have more space. So if anyone knows of anywhere i can get one that would be grand! Cheers!!
  10. i dont use ferret collars..should i be? its worked fine without them even with the hob
  11. looks like you didnt do to bad! I went ferreting yesterday with just my jill (the hob has just been snipped) i got 2 rabbits but then the babies are about so i left it for another time as i dont want mine laying up!
  12. Ello i am just a newbie aswell. Hope you enjoy your time on hunting life. I have always been facinated with working with falconry! Must be good fun but hard work? Does your harris hawk always come back to you when your out with her?
  13. Nice dog! everyone is right she is a looker! Very muscular!!
  14. Hello. well my view is. if ur time is already taken up by your 3 lurchers than i personally wouldnt get a pup. I think its all down to what your view is on it. regards Ferretmaniac
  15. Well i mainly look for places to ferret and have found a perfect spot tp bring on pups and ferret kits. But im no sure about lamping depends what for? Hares or rabbits? Well i think ud have to ask my boyfriend (benny1) he knows where to go for hunting lampin or ferreting Cheers
  16. I am from the stranraer area pal. Whats the huntin like at your bit?
  17. Thanks very much all. Aye no many girls are into that kinda thing but its country life. When u live out in the sticks [bANNED TEXT] else can u do?! Lol Plus its free food for the animals
  18. cheers matty. Do many people on this site go ferretin?
  19. Hello all. I am a new member at this site. Just recently been introduced to hunting. I really enjoy it. Its an opportunity to see how nature takes its course even though we are encouraging it . I am more into ferreting with my two ferrets than goin out lamping (am too afraid of the dark the now lol) But i will go on the odd occasion. Here are some pics of my Ferrets jack and Jill and my dog lady (Benny 1 Dog aswell) Anyway thanks v much for lettin me introduce myself. Anna AKA ferretmaniac
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