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Posts posted by ferretmaniac


    Im thinking of selling my purse nets. Ive about 20 of them different sizes and colours. What are they worth individually or as a whole?

    You'll need to give us a bit more info mate.


    What are they made from, what length are they and what condition are they in?


    Ok well i have only used them for rabbits, i have one larger one that could be used for something bigger. All comes with pegs wooden and metal. I dont have them here with me to analyze them. They are all in good condition as i've only used them a few times, Most are made from a string like fabric.

  2. Had the little fella done today must say very tidy work by the vet's, good price too £46 IMAG0040_zpscffd8c11.jpg

    gotta say mine was 90 quid to get castrated....must of been more because my vet may of been charging on the basis of how long he had to exsterminate his surgery lol!! Not the best animal to perform such an operation!!

    Well worth it though, you will have no worries using him for servicing your jill


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  3. Give it untill next year and i may take up a course on falconry. It looks amazing and i have an interest in knowing more about it. Not sure if ile ever own my own bird...who knows lol. Thanks for putting this post up. Very useful :yes:

    Also is there a bird thats best to begin with?



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