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Everything posted by logun

  1. big holes ?? .some are big stig,does my head in some times.kills rabbits in them dont take him long to. always try to dig him out ,but he keeps dragging them around the tubes..best to leave him at it and let the nutter drag them out.lot of effort for a rabbit i thinkmind,a ferret would do.
  2. ive got a jp dog here. jack cross plummer,does me ok kills rats and rabbits for fun,and goes in holes.
  3. .the dog on the right of the first picture is my sort of dog. any of you breedind a litter ?like a half cross or 3/8 5/8ths.
  4. hi all. any of you on here work collie crosses,looks like everyone has gone bull mad these days
  5. .i had a black eyed white two years ago,and yes it was out of ferrets only kept for the looks. i liked the looks of them so thought id give one a go. work wise it dident. don't know why but wouldn't work like others i had,bolted a few and that's as far as it goes.i do think-there is a difference between working and show line ferrets ok a ferret is a ferret,but some do hunt seek and destroy if they have to.
  6. thanks all i only asked out of interest thats all.best to end this i think.
  7. i asked about parks dogs out of interst rabbit mong. i never would have thought id get this many replys. funny aint it,there is always some young prick who knows all the aswears aint it.well your the prick mate ,get a life you sad c**t.
  8. so one off parks direct would cost a bit then ??
  9. .have been told that parks only breeds a litter every other year or so. just to keep the line going.and have been told nuttal breeds all the time. always see nuttal pups for sale in the country mans but never parks? why then ????
  10. i had a john parks bred red lakie best earth dog i ever had would gladly give £250 for one the same, brave as fxxk but sensible [bANNED TEXT] it ,sadly missed but never forgoten RIP MEG thats a lot of money to give for a working terrier popey.id never give that,ive been lucky never gave more than £60 for a terrier.mind you they aint out of stuff like john park breeds just street muts i think,but do me ok .
  11. sounds as if they are good dogs.how much would one cost, £50 £60 maybe or more.
  12. hi all. i heard alot of the terriers bred by john park. anyone here got one direct off him,and how good at work would you say they are.
  13. hi all,seen the snare in sporting shooter mag also. first off they look the muts nuts lol.but cant see them as being any good. the in line swivel for one will get jamed up from even the dust from your snare bag,and the end swivel will soon get jamed upfrom dirt once an animal is caught.barrel swivels cant throw dirt out but contains it within its selfe.ive used the above swivels for deep sea fishing and even salt deposits will clog them if they aint washed out after use. the eye or lock looks like an american relax-a-lock to me,with an titainium split ring added,all nice looking but a releas
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