john i can see your thoughts on this but you just as well put an egg in a made up nest to start with will crab they attention first time around...and speed the trapping process up.... we all differ tho.
each to they own but a pre baited trap that cant catch is a pointless exercise to me... so if it was locked oppen would you allow thhe bird to enter each day ,,take the bait before you decide to set for a catch.... best bait this time of year with hard frosts etc is rabbit .
my posts were a scenario,, to see how others would deal with the task in hand.. and by reading it your able to see what point i was trying to get across..
toby,your right,it aint hard to snare.. but what if you dont know the land,,new area, no fence or hedges for miles and no cover .... where would you start ??
there always someone who makes money out of sites like that....if they were anygood at mole trapping ,and as busy as they tell others they are ,then they have no time or no need to sell.