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Cold Ethyl

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Everything posted by Cold Ethyl

  1. very classy Well its cheap and it works not everyone is loaded with spare cash lol plus i refuse to spend £4 on a bottle of fancy cough medicine when this stuff does far better
  2. Flint goes in every 3 months i watched my mates 2 bitches and them and my bitch all went into season and Zack the lad i had at the time was climbing the walls so ended up getting him the male jab to tone it down
  3. Go to boots its about 99p and get a bottle of mentholated cough syrup clears all the crap out your chest and you will be horrified and what you spit up in the sink
  4. Wanker lol im surprised the ferret didnt nail him some people really should be in a special room
  5. Well bred gsd i miss mine like mad she was trained not to take food from anyone as well and she was easy to train and a joy to have in the house.She was well trained and would "tell people" if you told her too by barking and lunging but not making contact.Great round kids as well love their own family naturally weary of strangers as well
  6. Alcohol lowers the inhibitions thus making people relaxed and more likely to do something they wouldnt normally or less restrained gnasher.Ive always drank spirits usually vodka morgans or Jack daniels on occassion and only at the weekends.Im a really happy drunk though and mischevious rather than angry or agressive.i never understood people who want to fight cos they had a few im the opposite i just wanna sing and dance and carry on
  7. If he had half a brain he would know that he himself could get into real deep shit with that message im sure your shaking in yer boots lol.Hope you told him to go leanr how to use a water pistol before he tries a real gun ffs.Arseholes like that that have caused all the bans and controls etc and made it difficult to have a peaceful hunting life with your dogs
  8. Why because most folk dont want what other folks have dumped or cast off and dogs and pups in rescues what chance of ye got of finding out the breeding lines etc in them i certainly would never dream of taking 1 on for that very reason Not all dumped and cast offs, and some we do know the breeding and lines - you would be surprised - but we don't share that info, we want you to want the dog, not it's breeding. Some cracking dogs come in at LL. If they were that good they wouldnt be in a rescue center would they,and ye have said exactly why i wouldnt entertain one Thats ru
  9. Hes to go back tommorow morning for a quick temp check to make sure its down but he seems far better and his bloods were all clear his liver and kidneys are in excellent condition.So at least we know theres nothing sinister going on now and its maybe just been a bug or something
  10. You know i never thought about an adder bite cos he was acting super weird whatever it was he seems in a lot better shape today he was just out for a toddle round the block to do his buisness and seems to be fine on his feet again.His appetites back with a vengance and he looks a lot cheerier in himself so fingers crossed temps down tommorow and bloods are clear waiting on vet phoning me back about his results to make sure theres nothing in them so hoping theyre clear thanks to those who were helpful i only asked on here cos theres so many of us with dogs i thought someone may have seen it bef
  11. I thought poison as well but he hasnt been near anything hasnt even raided the bin or anything.Hes back in 2 days so they can double check his temps came down which i can say it must have cos his gums are pink again and hes eaten a few small meals and been drinking.His rear end was fine as well which threw me cos usually a sick dog doesnt crap normally but hes strange.He looks a lot better this morning he slept with me on the couch all night didnt move an inch still a bit out of sorts but nothing like yesterday hes not wobbling around anymore either so fingers crossed.Hes insured anyway so he
  12. I was only asking if anyone had heard of it before the vets today had several rtas a mastiff that had a stroke and various others and thats when we got there so clearly they were busy and needed to prioritise the more serious cases.
  13. Not long back his temp is really high so that might be why he was wobbling about and acting odd.Hes had a full panel of blood done and will get the results tommorow his kc was normal so no internal bleeding or trauma.This is my big black dog and nothing puts him down or off his food either but he came home and ate some chicken and pasta and most importantly drank water.Theyve given us a loan of a cool jacket for him to cool him down a bit apparently feeling cold can be a sign of a raised temp in dogs.Will know more tommorow but hes back in 2 days anyway for a check and to get another jab of an
  14. Back on the phone just now Mainly cos hes not in hes very vacant and i dont like this one bit cos i dont have a clue what it is.
  15. Yeah a good friend said same Kay hope he isnt diabetic or something.Tried giving him some diarolyte and a little rice pudding to see if that makes a differance hes never been like this
  16. Hes got an appointment with the vet at half 6 hes cold as ice his hairs on end every last bit of it and hes staggering hes not eaten all day refusing to drink as well.Im shoving dioralyte down his neck but he hasnt been near anything that would make him ill dont get it myself vet would have seen him earlier but got rtas and other emergencies so he has to wait hes a big lad and i had to carry him after he refused to move he was fine 2 hours ago
  17. Why because most folk dont want what other folks have dumped or cast off and dogs and pups in rescues what chance of ye got of finding out the breeding lines etc in them i certainly would never dream of taking 1 on for that very reason Not all dumped and cast offs, and some we do know the breeding and lines - you would be surprised - but we don't share that info, we want you to want the dog, not it's breeding. Some cracking dogs come in at LL. If they were that good they wouldnt be in a rescue center would they,and ye have said exactly why i wouldnt entertain one Thats ru
  18. can a 40kg dog do the big stuff better then a 25kg dog ?? a seen a moggie stand its ground with a fox My cat fights with them all the time but a fox killed my neighbours cat so i think thats down to pot luck i have a smaller bitch who would have been capable pre ban
  19. Websites still under construction but will post the addy when its finished as for my neighbours theyre all thick as hell.Not one of em knows how to use a dog lead and i hate to inform you staffies arent always sweetness and light and if he pushes it far enough he could turn i into a tit lots of neds do it on a daily basis.Im not risking it cos i dont need another out of control dog running around causing fights and he lives next to lots of kids as well so if this is his attitude then he can go f**k himself
  20. But does it wear a pretty flowery collar? # I couldnt bring myself to do that lol hes got a ss collar lol the pups got a nice pink one Andy put on her though
  21. Some of the dogs that land here have been passed round like a bag of sweets and a total mess pyhsically but more importantly mentally do we really want the site associated with this shit and giving us all a bad name.We all get tarred with the same brush seen it mentioned in rescue forums ah we dont rehome to working homes cos they treat their dogs badly yet ive rehomed dogs rescued dogs at that to working homes plenty of times over the years,.As far as im concerned if they look after it and care for it properly and dogs happy well fair enough i do however get e mails etc from complete dickhead
  22. You should have read it properly Baw i know you find it hard but do it slowly you will get it right eventually i take older dogs on all the time and pups as well from arseholes or bad circumstances.I dont buy dogs i get people phoning me from my own website and my dads and other forums had dogs from members on here a fair few times cos they couldnt keep them for one reason or another and tbh they brought the dog to me with food and made sure its jabs were up to date etc never had a dog of any member on here who didnt phone and check how it was getting on or didnt do their upmost to make sure t
  23. Lol mine would be a bit heavy handed for small game hypothetically I dont own a 40kg bull x to run him on f*****g sparrows
  24. So why did you buy the dog in the first place? And why would you buy a dog from a peddler if your so against it Sometimes its hard to walk away ive often took dogs i shouldnt have cos it pulls on the old heartstrings.
  25. If its left then it costs a fortune cos they get damaged sort off and other problems have to be dealt with on top of the original problem.We had a dog here with not an inch of its body skin normal through a flea allergy he was so itchy he had scratched himself half to death,Cost a small fortune as we required treatment for his itchyness and that dog still is as sensitive as hell now.All for the £5 if that for frontline to prevent it
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