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Cold Ethyl

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Everything posted by Cold Ethyl

  1. Just a thought have you reported this to the local enviromental health or council in case a kids gets it in the future?
  2. Its not their fault its his so in my humble opinion he should be the one that gets run over or gets the human equivalent of parvo
  3. Flipping hell mate sorry to hear this im sure you will get the all clear though and fingers are crossed here.Id legalise smack its cheaper to refine than sugar so give the feckers all the want let them kill thmeselves if they want.Plus then there excuse to rob and act like arseholes goes out the window i know a few ex smack heads who worked hard and got clean and i mean clean no methodone no f**k all.Its the ones that use it as an excuse to be a thieving dirty b*****d that bother me.As was said earlier they get shaprs bins etc so absoloutely no excuse whatsoever to leave needles lying around.I
  4. Will get the pics of my dad of tinsel and elderly dane they got in throgh rescue in an appalling state with mastitis and her teats did touch the grounds she had to have skin removed when she was speyed it was that bad.They only had her a year but she fattened up nicely and looked great had to be on heart meds and what not though.She didnt see the light of day till they took her on and yet she was an excellent lass loved everyone and other dogs as well never a problem at all
  5. Lol theyve decided here that the foxes are now a big problem took them long enough to notice and are now having a huge meeting over plans for a cull and pest control methods several councillors qouted as backing a repeal of the fox hunting ban
  6. Where i am i cant kennel the dogs anyway nor would i personally with my own but id certainly if i could consider a few for the rescued dogs ive had here to make life a little easier for me and my own hounds.I dont have an issue i know a lot of kenneled dogs and seem happy enough if the kennels clean and the dogs are fed look good then theres no problem.I can understand the chains thing i dont like the idea myself id build a half decent kennel then no one can moan at you
  7. Well maybe some of us are more level headed than others i agree he should know but she should tell him its got f**k all to do with anyone else really.I would shop her as well cos i am way too loyal but ive seen how this can and does usually end.Years ago a good friend of mine and i fell out and have never spoken since because i walked in to find her hubby strangling her and i gave him a good kicking tbh and well she took his side he shagged around as well she caught him loads of times and i could never understand why the f**k she put up with it she was a stunning young lady and he was a shrek
  8. Absoloutely agree just pointing out they need considering and that its the slappers job to tell her partner
  9. Im sorry im not saying it changes the facts but kids come 1rst or should do!!!! If you would like to be responsible for that sort of thing then good luck cos i certainly wouldnt.Kids are innocent and need protecting not dragged into a batlle and used as a weapon.She should tell him herself end off getting involved in other peoples lives is never ever a good idea.It all boils down to how sensible someone is i went and got proof myself so i knew for a fact he was indeed guilty.Some people are irrational and flip their lid without thinking others believe anything their partner tells them.Shes til
  10. Another thought as well is ive seen this happen in dogs with lungworm so might be worth getting some advocate
  11. Id get it to a vet to check nothings wrong medically first of all
  12. If theres kids as someone already said theres other people to consider get her to tell him herself least she can do.I got informed when my ex was at it by one of his mates and i followed him and found out for myself that it was true.Not everyones the same though it may blow up in your face its a catch 22 id shop her if it was my mate getting f****d about but women are differant to men.If he has kids it could end with him not seeing his kids cos the bints feels its her right like other women do to withold them from him.I personally get on great with my kids dad and he splits custody 50/50 with
  13. Plenty here less since i got Storm though lol.Flint managed to take a heron one day as it took off she nailed it and was really chuffed with herself wouldnt have bothered only for the fact that it was a country park and the ranger was hovering around the place.
  14. Tell her to do it shes the one thats acting like a dirty Tart!!!! Never get involved in a couples relationship its will end in tears for you more than likely.Id say to her either you tell him or i will give her a day to do it and then he gets it from the whores mouth and theres no denying it.Theres nothing worse in my opinion than going behind anyones back
  15. Well said sweetlips, heres a kiss fer each cheek xxxx Why thank you Honey bunch lmfao.Seriously though saying its only a dog is buillshit if you claim the dogs one of your best workers etc then why would you risk loosing it no one said kiss it or cuddle it or whatever just be close to hand and know your bitch and know whats happening.Why would you want to risk loosing your bitch shes far more important than the pups in my opinion and if you care for your dog or have a bond with it you would never do anything to put it in harms way.Its nothing like childbirth in humans either far fro
  16. Yeah i complained and kicked up hell at new year when a lady officer roared at my kids and my nephews cos in her opinion their dvd was too loud i went f*****g bonkers she refused to giver her badge number etc and i read it off her shoulder anyways.She threatened to arrest me and i pointed out what your gonna arrest me for making a complaint in a room full of witnesses Really?.Havent seen her since tbh yes that night we were singing and dancing after the bells but its new year ffs and if only they knew that earlier a guy was ejected and put on his arse lol none of that was a concern.No one trea
  17. well if you leave them alone and it all goes wrong you could loose your bitch as well as the pups.Ive always watched them and helped them if needed gave the whippet a load more help than i would have normally usually theyre in the same room and i let them do what they can themselves but im there if it goes wrong to intervene for the bitches sake as well as her pups
  18. Quite often put stuff on gumtree in the freebies section cos if its still in decent working order i cant bear to toss it
  19. Poor hounds looks really bewildered we get them dumped here all the time and phone calls from all over the place.Even picked a few up from the cop shop cos they didnt have space.Thats why i was so careful with the pups here and who they went to a lovely lad and his wife drove up from yorkshire and took one and couldnt fault them their dog was a picture of fitness and health and lovely manners to boot.Ive only little sheila left theyre 11 weeks now could have had them gone by the 8 week mark but chose to be careful to be sure they go to decent people.Dont mind them being kenneled or worked as i
  20. lol, our Ethy wouldnt talk to me like that Wanna bet nah seriously the more you scrath the more histamine the body produes so the itchier it becomes.Iodine spray helps as does germolene or a little dettol in the bath.Were getting bit to hell as well im using a repellent but the black dog is getting mauled and im not sure if i can put anything on him to stop him getting bitten.The green spray out of avon soft and fresh is brill stuff for a repellent Thank you sweetlips, im not SCRATHING as much today, love youuuuuuuu Your very welcome glad to hear your not scratch
  21. Some people are greedy is all and there are people paying it so they can keep charging funny money.A mate of mines getting rid of a 6 week old russel bitch tiny thing for £150 to cover some of his costs yet his mate is selling one the same for £450 cos hes a greedy swine
  22. lol, our Ethy wouldnt talk to me like that Wanna bet nah seriously the more you scrath the more histamine the body produes so the itchier it becomes.Iodine spray helps as does germolene or a little dettol in the bath.Were getting bit to hell as well im using a repellent but the black dog is getting mauled and im not sure if i can put anything on him to stop him getting bitten.The green spray out of avon soft and fresh is brill stuff for a repellent
  23. yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
  24. well done to you and the vet he looks in fine fettle now.That wounds looks perfect
  25. If you havent already id still check the cameras footage to see if you can catch even what theyre wearing or a car reg etc.Even ask neighbours if they seen anything odd cars or people hanging about.Get some pics up and i will stick them on a few rescue sites as well see if they hear anything its all worth doing as if they get too hot to handle a lot of the time they get ditched not ideal but may lead to the dogs being returned.Aslo keep an eye on gumtree and ad trader e pupz and any free ads you can find
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