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Cold Ethyl

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Everything posted by Cold Ethyl

  1. u was lucky then u and your mate Very lucky the car looked like a can someone had stood on and i had a great dane in the car as well who hated everyone had to get someone to come get him before we could be removed.The only upside was the firemen were fit and the paramedics had good drugs Lmao.Took over 6 months for me to recover and i still shake when i drive for the first 5 or 10 minutes then i am fine.Was actually more upset about my car at the time and the dog than myself.Had some crackers over the years ive broke my back and all sorts broke my fingers and toes more times than i cou
  2. Lab ryan air do flights for a £1 not sure how it works but will ask Andy when he is up and post in general for you the details

    1. KittleRox


      Oh right Cardiff I take it

    2. Lab


      If they do that Ethyl i owe you one.....cheers!

    3. Lab


      Think it will be TBD, probably turn out the same price but worth a try.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  3. u was lucky then u and your mate Very lucky the car looked like a can someone had stood on and i had a great dane in the car as well who hated everyone had to get someone to come get him before we could be removed.The only upside was the firemen were fit and the paramedics had good drugs Lmao.Took over 6 months for me to recover and i still shake when i drive for the first 5 or 10 minutes then i am fine.Was actually more upset about my car at the time and the dog than myself.Had some crackers over the years ive broke my back and all sorts broke my fingers and toes more times than i cou
  4. My kids have to be the best thing i ever did even if i did it young but i wouldnt have it any other way now.Done a lot that when i looked back turned out to be the best thing i ever did.Andys the latest good decision he brings out the softer side in me and certainly im far calmer around him that ive ever been and i dont smoke a qaurter of what i did before cos he doesnt smoke so i tend to try not too.I do truely believe everything happens for a reason and you are who you are because of everything good or bad and that the bad things are just learning curves
  5. i think ive seen, just a loop, and goes around there neck about 1inch thick rope ? Thats the one it was only £3 and its a sturdy enough lead the dog i use it on hates it lol he wont pull or do anything on it my big bull x had one as well for when i walk him or a halti harness.Mainly cos hes got so much better lately still a bit of a tosser at times but tonight Andy had hold of him and he met several dogs one was even barking and he just ignored it.He showed me up in other way by shoving his nose up the back of my skirt and lifting it for all to see lmao
  6. Most supermarkets sell dioralyte far better and much the same as rehydrate the vets use anyways.Pennies for a box of 20 satchets and make it up according to the infants guide on the back.
  7. Andy just reminded me i bought a dog here a rope slip lead and it worked a treat for him without hurting his neck or making him baldy
  8. I dont think hurting him or his neck is the answer here and will end in a vets bill the dogs a whippet theyre delicate at the best of times.Plus if it is fear agression then your making him scared wont help at all infact it will make him worse.The only thing to be acheived there is for the dog to not show signs then your gonna have a lot more work to do in the end
  9. My bitch was anightmare when i got her and i found walking her on her own helped a lot i also made it clear i didnt tolerate her behaviour but your timing needs to be spot on and you need to act before he does what he does you need to catch him in mid thought sort of a thing.It wont have helped him with the attack either.He needs to meet nice calm dogs as much as and have the chance to learn his mistakes etc.I used to turn Flint around and drag her home if she kicked off i also used a spray collar and it worked a treat but i sprayed her before she kicked off as soon as i was sure she had the t
  10. what were the feeding him? did they use same stuff as you use id still get him checked as can never be too careful with young pups i wouldnt force him to do anything till you know whats wrong
  11. The dog i have now the big black one dislocated my shoulder ages ago spun me right round big b*****d and popped it.Then last week split my big toe wide open after neighbour fell in front door pissed lol and dog went for him and i tried to stop the dog and kicked the tile edge at the kitchen door cos i havent put the finish bar on yet.Wouldnt stop bleeding ended up gluing it in the end.Lost a bit of shin bone in a car accident years ago still gives me the shivers thinking about the state of my car after it me and a mate had to be cut out of it
  12. A very good friend of mine said once never regret anything even the bad times as thats what makes you who you are today
  13. Tell me this is a f*****g joke? Anyone who gives this dog dealing turd a dog needs a serious thorough check up from the neck up.Ive been really lucky the few pups that got homes through here went to excellent homes and are doing very well same with some of the older dogs ove rehomed that landed here.Id be distraught if one of my waifs landed in your kennels.People like you really do need help maybe theres a dogpeddlars annonymous in yellow pages have a look if not i will suggest you start one and see if you cant learn to look after a dog properly without breeding it to death its really not as
  14. You really need a bit of lead between your ears to balance you mate.If your ever in glasgow let me know cos i for one would love to give you a f*****g hiding then get someone to give you some ideas on whats it like for your bitches getting bred from all the time and f****d in a dingy little shit pit im sure ive got a crate small enough for a small arsehole here somewhere
  15. Dont like them never have tbh dont have anytime for people who dont even try to help themselves or try to at least get clean same goes for alcoholics
  16. Just because someone sells it doesnt mean they have to use it same as anything else or as Frank says just say no.Some are just too f*****g lazy to try others are weak fair enough but it is clear as day to anyone how f*****g dangerous it is so why even consider doing it in the first place? Mate Congratulations glad to hear you got the all clear
  17. You really are a first class prick! Keep a dog pup and give the bitch to rescue so she can lead a happy life! TWAT They only get fat if theyre overfed and under exercised so dont kid yourself.Your a f*****g sum of the earth dog peddlar and a LIAR to boot.Give all the f*****g dogs to rescue pups the lot and save them the hassle of being f**k all to do with a backyard breeder with the moral of a f*****g weasel.You clearly dont give a flying f**k about the dogs or the pups.Its plain as night follows day mate if your friends give you the advice you have speiled on here then they aint frien
  18. I dont like little dogs at the best of times apart from real terriers not the ones with bows in their fur.Ive been bit more working with little dogs than i ever have with the bigger so called devil type dogs.
  19. You dont have this dogs interests at your heart no way in hell otherwise she wouldnt be rearing more pups theres a thing called a vet quick jab and fannys your uncle simple really not cheap but thats the price you pay for your mistakes.You chose to put her at risk go ahead with it and make her rear another f*****g litter she must be shattered mentally as well as pyhsically its not healthy for any animal to be bred like that.Take it if its not money your giving the pups away for free then? I bet not its not like you have vets fees to pay is itnow
  20. Maybe but not as strange as you thankfully
  21. Cant be good for these dogs being carried round in a handbag all the time or whatever.We seen them at the vets and they have nothing no muscle tone at all its not nice to see on a dog in my opinion.I dont carry the pup all the time just pick them up to give them a break as our walks are pretty long and its too much for a pup and pups dont always let you know theyre tired.Little donut would go all day if you let her i dont put them in a bag either just carry them under my arm sort of a thing.Andy thinks im just being soft lol especially when i cringe at them playing with the bigger dogs they ca
  22. The fact is you did not do best by this dog still arent by the looks of things.I spend my life cleaning up after people like you i get dogs brought here all the time in that state and worse all because they wanna make a little money
  23. your lucky Maybe cant see the public not going daft though tbh they look like dogs to some ill informed muppets.If people round here would stop feeding the foxes theyd stop being so bold.I can get them to take biscuits out of my hand up here ffs theyre fearless of humans.Dont really bother with the dogs they wont move unless the dog goes haring at it.Ive said for years to neighbours your encouraging rats ec as well to no avail and ive pointed out what if someones dog or cat gets hold of the stuff you throw out a cooked chicken carcuss could be lethal etc but no joy.I hope it all goes
  24. Feck knows never understood it had this debate many a time theyre only little cant work far that was uttered about a terrier ROFL.Although Andy slags me for carrying the pups too much i dont really just dont want them to over do it and hurt themselves with them being so young
  25. Im sorry but thats a disgrace the way your keeping her cant be comfy and certainly wont be ideal for pups either ffs.Pm me and i will find someone to collect her and her pups and look after her properly and get her sorted thats just f*****g cruel what your doing to her its that simple.f**k sake i will come and collect her personally if i have to
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