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Everything posted by polecat

  1. looking forward to seeing you,se there
  2. i,ve got blonde rough looking hair and a brindle bitch pup and might where my kelvin valley top so come along and say hello or we get denned to have ah hunting life members class for fun then we no whos who
  3. am sure you will have a good attendance fella but the reason people arent want to attend shows is plain and simple there is under cover officers at all these shows acting like all good doggy men, do this and that with there dogs rubbing there hands and hopeing for the big invitation out for for some sport.. and without a doubt they are on here(hunting life) aswell ive read numerous topics of people offering guys out for compitition and they dont know who these people are !!!!! anyway hope you get a good turnout for your show.... yis chancer listen we now they
  4. hes no chance butler got to go to obediance classes first as the weans doon here will bite him back
  5. keeping this up so all the scot that come on here can spread the news
  6. you want sell the hutch ???????????? looking for a new one
  7. aye well if its his first it can only get better if the lasses had a few mounts then he be in good hands
  8. theres always a blackpool donkey
  9. i just hope he wakes up and smell the coffee he s got 4 running lurcher and great we working terrier there aswell i wpuld be sad to see them go just because of a girl come on mate give you self a right good sake Keano do you have spell check ???? come on man get it the gether!!!!!! wish it was me mate haveing my cake and eating it and ,m not in the lamping comp so it ant me bud She only lives two doors up from me.....the feckin shame....I cant go these mixed relationships they never turn out well....just look at the sprogs big Joe produced i,m telling wee maggie
  10. i just hope he wakes up and smell the coffee he s got 4 running lurcher and great we working terrier there aswell i wpuld be sad to see them go just because of a girl come on mate give you self a right good sake Keano do you have spell check ???? come on man get it the gether!!!!!! wish it was me mate haveing my cake and eating it and ,m not in the lamping comp so it ant me bud She only lives two doors up from me.....the feckin shame....I cant go these mixed relationships they never turn out well....just look at the sprogs big Joe produced i,m telling wee maggie
  11. polecat


    you must be as old as me to remmember the bannana splits fecking brilliant
  12. ah hope so grant no be as wet as nielston see you there mate hows the family
  13. thats a defenit date just spoke to the lad thats got the stadium so see youse all there
  14. sorry for your loss mate councils up here are totaly wrong had same thing years ago
  15. feck you the scottish accent was voted the most sexy accent in the world
  16. sunday 9th aug at the greyhound stadium gates open 12 30 and theres a no drink policey unless bought at bar anyone found with carry oots will be asked to leave them at gate or if cought on ground will be asked to leave by order of management
  17. aw rah best spidey and dont let the b*****ds grind you down on wards and up there shiteshoots
  18. its not always the travelling community that steal your dogs but isnit appleby this week ???????????????
  19. i,m a ladys man always a bitch
  20. little lad got a fright your face was a picture mate polecat
  21. dog would have been my hero if it got one of the two footed blacks
  22. more policet there than what you see at a football ground there was police haveing a look around .. not a good sign at a wts.. your just pare BFTBS lol ps polcat your we lurcher looking well mate atb keano shes gettint there keano cheers bud has butler finnished that wean yet there always someone lol i was just wait on it comeing atb keano better from me than some half wit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oops i, am that halfwit
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