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Everything posted by goldy

  1. middleton,gould,nuttall,brightmore, parkes and many others, they have all i believe sold rubbish for cash at some time in their lives, maybe not absolutely out of absolute ruthless greed but have sold substandard stuff because a buyer was waiting with money in hand??? gary used to have some good dogs. dr (owner of blackjack) once told me that garys old stuff was some of best in country until the blacks came along. likewise pb s mccoy was half old middletonblood out of a renown digging dog. howver gary has bred mainly for shows in last twenty years and so of course working ability has suffered.
  2. thinking of adding wheaten into my terriers. does anybody know of a really good,game wheaten stud? also any comments/feedback regards experiences with wheaten crosses (to terriers) would be muchly appreciated. i have heard some rather interesting reports about 1/2 and 1/4 cross wheaten/terriers and there working ability, but never actually seen one.
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