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Everything posted by birddog

  1. my way of teaching a pup to lamp starts when they're young......local football pitch or the like in darkness, no scents or distractions a torch and a fav toy working up to multiple toys / dummies pre placed when they're 100% on this i introduce a dead bunnie that they've already seen in daylight for me this learns recall, picking up sitters, retrieve, running the beam lots, but i'm never in a hurry, young dogs and pups are a big investment be cool and take your time
  2. maybe he doesn't realise he's allowed to chase, i'd be letting him watch and see another dog a few times i'd also be out with him lots giving him experience and building on his fitness so he's strong and really keen
  3. i've seen all sorts make decent workers, some had short necks others cow hocks, some had turned out elbows others had all of the above and more but i always asked the question......how much better would they be if they'd been put together right in the first place?....how many would deliberately pick a pup with a fault?.....picking pups is hard enough with unknowns like stamina, wind, attitude, drive and strike,....... for me if its bred right it should have most of these to some degree so best go for conformation and pick a pup that looks right.....................looks can kill
  4. sickener mate, you'll be back before santa but could've been much worse
  5. a mad woman.......now theres a novelty
  6. sometimes we hunt up pushing bunnies below ground before netting up, others we net up 1st then take a walk around backnetting any still above ground, where game is scarcer and theres plenty of burrows the dog has to mark the occupied ones saves lots of work
  7. wtf........weather forecasters not 100%..........they'll be banning hunting next
  8. ferreting 1st, install some sense and obedience then lamping
  9. looking good bud but for me..........fck being technical....sports mode, take hundreds and 1 or 2 will be belters
  10. pups on pets for homes d/g x w/g......not quite 1st x though
  11. long time since i did it but in my time all the really good dogs had one thing in common..........a decent handler, even these days how often do you see a good dogman having winner after winner ? knowledge, ability and experience are as important in the handler as the dog, theres even an argument that the best handlers were bred from good handlers
  12. You own a company, you need to employ somebody for a job, you can either get a guy that not only is willing to work but also his dad, grandad and so on where all in same trade, or you got a guy that is also willing to work, but has never tried, heard off or knows anybody that does the job, who would you employ? No correct answer, only personal choice... the personal choice with most companies these days would be poles or latvians (notice i didn't mention croatians they certainly didn't do their job the other night )
  13. i try not to comment too much on this type of topic but ............... through my work i know how much the police resources are stretched and have been cut to the bone, this one really beggars belief though when you consider some of the real shit happening around our country, we could all quote particular cases or events for sure, i only hope some of the guests viewing this have some political or journalistic clout and that 'socks' nails them bigtime for this one
  14. whip / grey on here mated his non ped to a deerhound a couple of years ago, not strictly 1st cross as paddy has a good dollop of greyhound in him but he may have pics, suppose theres a good bit of logic there though if you were to get the best of both worlds
  15. and they say diamonds are a girls best friend.............tell that to lolo
  16. had a black one the other week, had a few parti coloured / patchy ones over the years........often see a few pale ginger ones in the spring but natural predators seem to pick these off early
  17. its about time some of these scumbags were caught and the lesson they learn should be well publicised
  18. pups looking so gooood mate well done, i sincerely hope lady luck smiles on you with this pup...........when you told me the breeding if there had been a wee bitch i'd have been real tempted
  19. don't think its rose tinted glasses but i didn't realise how good some of my mutts were when i was younger, we were fearless then......... going where we wanted when we wanted................ even selling venison back to the landowner .................if a dog started to slow with age or work or show a flaw they were history we were maybe too results driven then................wouldn't it be good to have the legs, wind and heart of 35 or 40yrs ago with the wisdom of age ?............my mutts now are better bred, schooled and fed and although the need to have them of a certain standard has dr
  20. 25yr ago my mates wee bitch flipped over at the exact moment she caught a bunny as it went into a hole, i broke every traffic law to get her to a vet quick, turned out she'd torn her windpipe from her lungs, all heart the wee thing........ rip brinnie
  21. patience for sure but so agree with the willingness to learn doesn't matter how old you are or how long you've had dogs theres always something to learn, everydays a schoolday
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