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Everything posted by birddog

  1. is this where we fall behind the honesty in breeding and culling of the yanks?
  2. as paulf said but make sure the recall is good before moving on or it will be a backward step...........start indoors with balls, teddies, socks and the like.......mix it in with games so your the most fun thing in its world...........tug of war games help bondbuilding as well as retrieving.......if your putting a wee hurdle in i was taught keep them small so its hardly a hurdle and build as the pup grows.......its about building good habits before bad one arise........hopefully very soon the commands here, sit, stay, over and fetch will be second nature to her...........but keep it fun
  3. yesterday................seriously the earlier the better for me
  4. what about a wee offshoot guy's..........never liked history at school rather than original, whats the traditional lurcher ? i'd go for a deerhound / collie / greyhound mix 25 / 26 inches rough coated capable on most game
  5. you should take them off when theres no moon bud, had a wee lookout this morning early only red thing we saw was a squirrel got some sweet chestnuts though before he got them ha ha, sussed some braw new hazel for chopping next month and a tree dripping with crab apples...........happy days
  6. when i started i had feck all except a wee collie x pup and a self appointed right to roam, made nets out of all sorts of rubbish but they worked, used a bike repair kit on wellies, home made lamp (jumping the fence at the local breakers) and walked everywhere.....didn't think about the cost most things were acquired (thats a laugh) one way or another........if the instinct and desire are there you'll find a way
  7. even with just 2 breeds involved there can be big variance........my belle is a lightmade 26 her brother's a hefty 32.......one of the joys of lurchers eh ......you pays your money .............
  8. this is all getting quite good after a hypothetical conversation between mates, he understands drive, stamina and conditioning.......he used to race huskies!! (he never beat them lol) although i have been offered a well bred greyhound bitch............ shaark's picked up on something i was thinking, as foxing is a specialist thing and requires specific qualities in a dog, i'd imagine that unless your breeding for foxing from specialist dogs that 40% failure rate would be the norm but i'd imagine 1st x collie success rates as rabbiters would be much higher especially in the right hands
  9. i wonder if those kind of percentages ( 30% very good, 30% useful and 40% no use ) would be an acceptable risk ? would someone breeding lurcher to lurcher accept a 40% failure rate ?
  10. theres a roundabout on the dual carriageway up the road got a few on it, shouldn't even need a lamp
  11. smart if you like no backend and flat feet
  12. but way back then it was the landed gentry that went hunting and enjoyed sport, a dog that looked like it could hunt owned by the poorman was handicapped or worse, i believe thats where the term curtailed comes from, to my logic a collie / herding / cur type trained by someone who knew dogs and the countryside would go unnoticed by the law but provide for its owners probably using gate or long nets
  13. my own guess is there was very little (if any) sighthound in the original, more like leggy collies i think, they belonged to countrymen, shepherds and drovers etc with little or no access to greyhound, whippet or deerhound blood (oops sorry or saluki....phew), i think its only fairly recently that speed and drive have became important as i'd imagine these guys valued nose, brains, herding instinct etc far more,
  14. phil loyd has put an interesting post up on the ongoing hancock topic so rather than hijack that thread i'll start a new one what was the original lurcher ?
  15. if your going to have to start from scratch with him i'd have him to a bone man just to make sure that your starting with a fit dog, i've seen dogs look and behave normal with no signs or symptoms of an injury have discs out and the like.....it cant do any harm
  16. my pish hancock retrieves shot hares as well
  17. although your making a meal out of it this is leaving me in a pickle....its taken me a while to ketchup and its probably hard chips but i'm just gonna roll with it
  18. not sure i agree on the burger analogy but, spot on with the collie x pups, 'magpies' really well bred and thought out pups spring to mind and if memory serves me right 'gwen' and 'lolo's' litter didn't fly out and look how well they're looking, from a selfish viewpoint these wannabes are putting folks off breeding their working collie x's, it'll be far easier and less hassle to go back to hancock for a pup rather than breed a litter thats not gonna shift
  19. a mate has a really smart hill bred working strain border collie, he uses it for mountain rescue, it's obedient, attentive, lots of drive, runs all day, cracking coat and feet, obvious good nose, works away or close in, hunts (all be it missing people) its about 24" high (i'm promised a pic of it) i think it would throw good lurchers, question is would you guys call it a worker?
  20. i think she's a wee cracker, for me the rabbiting game (obviously terrain dependant) is as much about brains, experience and agility as it is speed
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