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Everything posted by birddog

  1. again i don't see it as too much of a big thing if a dog is a wee bit off with me the judge handling it, if a stranger pulled my lips back and felt my nethers i'd have a go at him.......and a scars a scar....... whoopee, both mines have them as have probably all of my mates mutts it doesn't take away from their conformation or working ability just as it doesn't prove they're a worker, i treat racing as fun although i still like to win but i understand when i pay my money somebody has to lose
  2. jeez you sound like you must be related to my missus.......spend £185 then look for a revue
  3. i know i've said it before but he is really smart but my wee thing with running dogs is their feet (no not a fetish) any pics that show them better ?
  4. ta muchly, yours isnae too bad either , it's the kinda beast i was looking for when the wife and young lass spotted belle's pic and i got outvoted
  5. he's looking braw bud, and the big dugs looking well........for hancock pish
  6. i understand what your saying about the racing and non peds and unmarked greyhounds can and do win but i know a big black dog that has a decent % of bull and saluki in it that often shows them the way home (and he's a proper worker) would it be too hard to make the races longer or the best of three or throw in a jump or two and that would sort them, but by moaning about them are we not being too serious ourselves, personally i think a race is a race your either 1st or your not and as it is a test to see who's fastest theres got to be losers
  7. i think this topic has the potential to be a cracker because there will be so many different opinions, some like rough coats, some stronger types, some small and nimble etc etc it would be good if other guys who have judged put up an opinion too
  8. i've never put up a dog just because it has scars, in my post i said both dogs being equal the 'scarless' one would get it,it is a beauty show after all, it's just that scars or a let down toe type injury caused by work in my eyes doesn't take away from conformation, structure balance etc, and if anyone has approached me after a show i've given them my honest view, do we really need to know the function of the thoracolumbular fascia or the importance of the length and angle of the dorsal bones (which i do) in order to recognise the correct balance and movement in a running dog ? sometimes a do
  9. ta muchly, but jcm maybe has something because a broken / rough coat can hide lots of things
  10. look close bud there are scars there, howd you get on last night ?
  11. it's not down to the owners and the problem would be so easy to sort, it's the judges, plain and simple, the stick i've taken over the years for 'putting up' a dog with a scar or a limp caused through work, injuries are part and parcel of the lurcher game and if the organisers picked judges who had the cohonies to stand by what they believed was right rather than what the onlookers wanted it would help immensly. i agree totally that they are beauty contests but its the man in the middle who has his hands on them that makes the difference, all things being equal conformation, balance, condition
  12. looks a craking mutt and in ace nick
  13. seriously ?............1st x saluki greyhound........or deerhound greyhound..........or whippet greyhound........seem to remember reading somewhere they throw lots of cloddy wastage
  14. i'd love to participate in this one guys but apart from my pup i've only got a pish hancock cross
  15. much much better than whats happening now, some stunning runs, sad thing is our kids will never get the chance to watch greyhounds doing what they were really meant to do under the current legislation, tying in with another ongoing thread.....maybe if a few of us that pay effin thousands in taxes over here decided to up sticks and move to poland and leave the bunny huggers and political namby pamby yesmen over here with all the scrounging immigrants and the like theyd maybe realise the error of their ways......but only maybe
  16. couldn't agree more leveller for the most part lamping is a one man one dog job, if it goes tits up theres no one else to blame, less chance of injuries with no double slipping, aggressive or poorly schooled dogs spoiling anothers retrieve / performance, less noise and more game on your own, no slip or lead is ideal (but this pup is doing my nut in a little to keen yet) i do have the odd night out in company and often enjoy it but by and large prefer my own company, the one tip i'd share is and remember i'm 6' 5", on sitters a lamp held low is a pathway of light with lots of ground and incid
  17. talk to the greyhound guys and try and get a more specific diagnosis, a magbox can be a good thing
  18. could be a great thread, need more input from our foreign members but.........jeez i miss whin
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