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Everything posted by birddog

  1. here we all think your a pillar of respectability, when we retire we want to catch bunnies dailly, we tell the young uns thats how the good guys do it and then..........jumping fences, torn arse..........my world will never be the same...............hope your bum gets better soon and thats the first time ive ever said that .......to a guy
  2. my ferreting bud keeps, works and breeds a smart leggy strain of jrt, a pleasure to work with, easy to spot in cover and work really well with lurchers
  3. Bit o deerhound in the mix too..... nah she's all hancock bud the bit o deerhound in the mix was in the huff left at home after a big run too many at dusk last night but seems on the mend now
  4. she does ok ........maybe a wee bit too greyhoundy
  5. 16 million !!!!!! What a scandalous use of public donations !!! Disgraceful !!!! exactly and i'll bet mrs joe bloggs that donates a wee bit from her pension to help needy and abandoned animals doesn't have a clue about their political agendas
  6. an auld relation phoned looking for jazz's help with a few bunnies in his horse paddock, so had a pleasant mornings ferreting in the sunshine and spoke to the neighbouring farmer who watched us a while and got a wee bit of lamping permission........happy days
  7. i'm thinking we should play them at their own game...........what about a wee letter to the local rag ? bonnie pic of the dog, distraught owner, bully boy tactics, waste of resources etc ........theres bound to be a story there somewhere
  8. i use a 210 variable i find it gives plenty of scope / options but have to agree lamping into a gale it is a bit big
  9. ace, well done thats why we do what we do... for the craic.........it dont matter if its a wee half terrier or a 32" deerhound x.....the dogs had fun, come back healthy, vermin numbers are down a bit, and we've got a smile for a while............all good
  10. make the pup your pal, you want a real strong bond, the pup needs to think your food, fun, work, discipline, walks.......everything
  11. take your time, be cool, listen to everyone then make up your own mind and remember we're all in it to have fun enjoy
  12. cloud cover rapidly breaking up...............who'd be a forecaster
  13. i thought phil 'the power' taylor had got himself a lurcher
  14. how come is there not a queue at magpies door for these pups? it seems theres always someone on here looking for a collie x and these are about as good as it gets, top class bloodlines, knowledgeable owner, reared well, worker to worker, lots of history etc, i've spoken to him and told him i'd have on in a flash but another divorce would be on the cards
  15. broken cloud going across on a decent breeze, big moon though, need good luck with the cloud cover later but i'm not holding my breath
  16. aye, see them everywhere, one of my farmers see them as vermin they do lots of damage, it's not uncommon to see them in numbers, last winter we watched 11 cross a ride nose to tail, the thing that gets me though if people see a pet collie or spaniel chasing them its a wee jolly but because our dogs are capable of catching them the bambi syndrome kicks in and all lurchermen (and women) are barbaric hoodlums
  17. i know a few that shoot or fish, used to know one that kept lurchers......in my experience most are just ordinary guys doing a pig of a job and following orders from above
  18. decided to take a wee walk round a permission maybe half an hour away to check out how much cover was still there with a view to a ferreting trip next week. half way through the woods the mutts have picked up a couple of bunnies and a chap with a gundog comes walking toward me, i recognise him through work (i'm in the ambulance service) he's a police sergeant, we chat a while his dog sitting at heel my two are working through a hazel thicket.............crash bang a roe buck breaks cover with two hairy lurchers in CLOSE pursuit, fck me! i hope its gonna make the thick cover maybe 25yds away, b
  19. Give this fella a ring.....they'll do a job....and they are on THL now.... http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/classifieds/item/262-line-bred-beardie-collie-x-greyhound-pups-for-sale/ absolute belting litter wish i had room...........maybe the missus could move oot
  20. i wait till they have a bit of obedience about them and go with someone else whos ferreting so i can concentrate on the pup , a big danger when their young is a bolter that they've no chance of catching
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