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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Stabs


    It's coming....be patient
  2. Harringtons, couldn't all afford a big coat LOL Cheers, D. sheep skin With football buttons
  3. Never got down that way mate, but was a regular on the rallies. I used to stay near the decks to see when the DJ would put all that King Kurt stuff on so it gave me time to dodge out of the tidal wave of flat tops and Commando boots that would descend on the dance floor to punch each other! I'd only come out of hiding when I heard a horn section again. My brogues were too expensive for all that business!
  4. smoke from the bushfires everywhere

    1. .WARREN.


      just seen that on news,bad that

    2. TUFFTY


      you be carefull out there mate

    3. paulus


      they said on the news the temprature and wind has dropped but is due to rise again towards the weekend. stay safe mate.

  5. Smart that. I like it with the dark background
  6. Anthony and Fred Barker p.64 is the pic you're on about Dee Mac http://books.google....ed rock&f=false
  7. And there was bull in the Sealyham too. I think Morton might be referring to the later and more recent addition of bull blood though, after the various strains had become more or less "fixed". There's no denying that bull blood was certainly added to some terriers back in the infancy of the strains, and even then it was causing consternation for some. Wasn't it the Rev Jack that didn't like smooth coats in his terriers as it was a symptom of too much bull?
  8. Love the Tiaras Troter
  9. http://www.earthdog-...books-for-sale/ http://www.anglebook...e159630514e0dbc http://www.darcybooks.com/index.php?_a=category&cat_id=3
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-20704312
  11. Roo smells like shit raw, but cook it hot and quickly and it's very tasty
  12. Baileys & Cointreau & whiskey......oh yeah!
  13. Was he actively involved in the Plummer Terrier breeding programme towards then end there Wirral? Or had it largely been taken on by other groups? Did he leave a map or blueprint?
  14. Out of interest, what was he a doctor of? Never met the bloke, though I did write to him on occasion about the Alaunts.
  15. I used to give the geese I shot to my mate from school days who was a butcher as he sorted me with scran for the dogs all year round. He used to take all I could shoot and flog them for pound a piece. I couldn't eat them.....tasted like absolute shite but he'd have folk queued up for them. I wonder if he ever got any repeat customers
  16. does it feel wierd having xmas in that climate over there............what is the temperture over there when you celebrate xmas..........? It was 27 degrees when I was up at 0430 this morning mate! Stinking hot here at the moment. We're due a storm tonight and I can hear the thunder in the distance. Hope it breaks the heat. do you miss england and the weather and working the dogs over here or havent you looked back...........fook me i sound like pierce morgan...............lol Aye I do miss certain things....foggy mornings and hedges and foxes and rabbits and proper beer and p
  17. Was in adaliad for Xmas in 2006,,,had a barramundi onthe BBQ ,, plus a load of other shit,,,, first time I ever had oysters ,,, both raw and done Kirkpatrick ... My mate,s brother had married a bird from vietnam , so her family were there too,, and they brought a load of trad Vietnamese food. Was good fun,,and spent some time in the pool,,,,, fecking wired mind being red hot at Xmas . Kilpatrick are bloody awful Live oysters are as cheap as buying a pie here so I eat them regular. Bit of lemon or maybe a bit of chilli, but nowt else.
  18. does it feel wierd having xmas in that climate over there............what is the temperture over there when you celebrate xmas..........? It was 27 degrees when I was up at 0430 this morning mate! Stinking hot here at the moment. We're due a storm tonight and I can hear the thunder in the distance. Hope it breaks the heat.
  19. Prawns and a leg of ham after a swim in the pool and copious amounts of ice cold lager
  20. 27 degrees at 0430

    1. tilfertilfer
    2. just jack

      just jack

      writing a book in the heat, can't knock that

    3. Stabs


      "It was a hot night and I was wearing only a smile.....and socks......."


    4. Show next comments  18 more
  21. Kippers and poached eggs for breakfast. My wife and child are no longer talking to me

    1. Magwitch


      lol.............my dad use to love kippers.

    2. stabba


      dirty animal....poached eggs are filth lol

    3. RubyTex


      Haha dropped a few bombs this afternoon i bet lol

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