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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Is Taffy from Scotland? No mate, he's from Wales funnily enough As for my experience, I've seen a few dogs in the ground in most parts of the country. Believe me, this bitch is something.
  2. One of the best terriers I've seen in a good number of years is about 12/13lbs soaking wet. Taffy owns her now and she is something else. Sometimes it's not all about the size in the dog....sometimes it's all about the grunt and the brains rather than the bulk
  3. I've posted this for you before Hoosier....there's a bit of info on the Kerry in there..... http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...orman&st=30 I've also got a book written in the 1920's which mentions the fact that the Kerry had been ruined a long time before the book was written and was then just deemed a show dog.
  4. Nice one Moll.....superb pics! Are you going to ferret the place?
  5. There seems to be a lot of folk advertising stuff these days.......
  6. They're bummers mate They'd tied together after the mating and that's the easiest and most comfortable way for them to stand while they wait until they can come apart
  7. Yeah, got another tie this morning and all three of them have had the neighbours rushing out wondering who's slaughtering the dogs in the yard
  8. Cheers Si...got a second tie today so fingers crossed
  9. Just mated my collie cross bitch to a track grey......not sure if they'll make cattle herders or sheepdogs though.....
  10. yes i would also put my hands up to having had worthless crap at some point in time , and that is why i am a fussy f**ker as to what is classed as a PROVEN STUD dog , and on that note how do you know if a dog is worthy or not when the dog in question is only 18 months old ..........it MAY jack at 2 year old or it MAY not in which case it is not a PROVEN STUD but a MAYBE ........now back to the add which states for all to read ......proven stud dog .....which means the dog is proven to produce litters of workers ..... the guy whose dog it is has said it has not produced any workers as yet ....
  11. Stabs

    Gone fishing

    Nice one Moll and TinTin You've gotta love a bit of fishing.... I'm going myself for my stag so I'll send you guys some pics So where did you go on holiday? Was the "garage" there when you got back?
  12. Stabs

    Coots & Moorhens

    Moorhens taste great!
  13. You need a bloody licence for an air rifle over here
  14. I fed raw meat which was mostly from a butcher and wormed every 3 months due to the life cycle of the tapeworm and what's good for the dog. Now I feed mostly wild raw grub (kangaroo or goat) but I still worm the same frequency. I think as long as you keep on top of things then you'll be fine. As for the ribs, spine etc, that is exactly what I fed along with skirt, heads, wings etc. so you should be great with all of that
  15. Stabs


    I got chased by one of those when I was poaching a river in Headcorn when I was a teenager! A Stalwart I believe
  16. What moral high ground you do take ! Judging by the tone of your post you imply that Im some kind of crazed hunter wanting his dogs to kill things. I suggest you re read the original post and youll see what im trying to do is find out about terrier behaviour. Im not the first person to own a terrier that likes to go down holes if you exercise your dogs well its odds on it will find a hole to go down. The are thousands of owners of what you call "untrained" terriers out there blissfully unaware of the carnage they are creating in our countryside. So I suggest you offer up information on this
  17. I'd actually forgotten all about that They wouldn't have stopped us going back over the Hoover Dam checkpoint though....we aren't Mexican
  18. I had an old series 3 for the farm and that was as rough as arseholes, but I'd take a Defender anyday. I'd rather the Disco though for the gearbox for the road and the more bits and pieces inside. My mate has a Cruiser wagon GXL and it's pretty f*****g great. If I was serious and money was no object it'd have to be a Disco 3. The lads over here are pretty serious about their offroading, and by that I don't mean a muddy field, I mean proper terrain, and it seems that Nissan Patrols, Toyota Land Cruisers and to a lesser extent Land Rovers seem to be the ones to go for. Doxhope I know the Sub
  19. I use a Toyota Land Cruiser ute these days and it's spot on. Great off-road and the tray back is spot on for the big dogs. Tried a Ford Courier (called a Ranger in England) and it was total shite. Ok on the flat but try getting up anything steep and it shits itself. I also have a Disco V8 and that's the business too. Easier to use the Cruiser though as it's got a tray so no need for f*****g about with a door. Kye...have you still got that dodgy old Rodeo? They seem popular for the builders over here. Funny that the Frontera isn't really used much in England. Does anyone use one off road
  20. Stabs


    Hitler was a dick.....but he or the nazis has got f**k all to do with what we are facing today. Anyone who uses the "nazi" card is using a knee jerk reaction. Most people wouldn#t know National Socialism if it bit them on their arse. A redundant argument used by people who are unable to shout their own corner. Lazy arguments from tired people
  21. It's a 95 ES model. Top of the range, all leather and all that shite.......good enough for a dog wagon
  22. There I was just about to delete this thread and Ditchy goes and writes a beauty of a post!!
  23. Just been looking around for a new 4x4 and it was a toss up between the Nissan Patrol, Cruiser, Rangey or the Disco.....ended up buying the Disco today. It's what I'm used to and this one is a nice lump. It's a 3.9 V8 and it's mint.....it won't be for long though
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