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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. It's been illegal since 1911 (1912 Scotland) http://www.webtribe.net/~shg/Protection%20...1%20c%2027).htm The last rat pit was closed in Leicester in 1912 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat-baiting
  2. Don't think I've been out with the little bitch you are talking about mate. Was that the one J ran over? That 3/4 Dane had those pigs right in front of him, there for the taking, but he did nothing. Apparently he'd been out the night before, but at the end of the day, the pigs got away. Needless to say I'm not much on Danes either. To be fair he was borrowed for the hunt so he didn't belong to any of the lads we were out with. That vodka isn't poisonous...just ask your wife
  3. That's cos you be a lady Me and my mates from the rugby club used to drink power shandy's using Smirnoff Ice....Christ it used to get you going You had to get a pint of Stella....drink what you thought was half of it and then top up with Smirnoff Ice. If the resultant mix was less or more than a pound coins width from the top of the glass then you had to skull the lot
  4. No pics Simon.... We'll be out on the hares again soon so we'll stick some pics up of that As for the vodka then I agree bramble is good but we're a bit stuck for them at the minute. Rasps were available and tasted pretty f*****g amazing
  5. Benny was a great dog...and I don't use the word "great" very often. He amazed me at times. What was the name of J's dog we used on that trip? She was bred the same way wasn't she? And she looked like a bigger version of my Nell. Just tried that apricot vodka tonight mate....not a patch on the raspberry Simon....we don't get out much on the pigs now. I can't talk for FJager, but I am too busy with other things at the moment. No doubt we'll get on it again soon, but we've got other fish to fry Have you still got the video of that trip FJager? I lent mine out and never got
  6. Yeah Simon, some of those pics have DH's handwriting on the back from an old article FJager that can't be my beer you are holding mate because as you well know I don't drink alcohol Did your Mam like that vodka? I'm not sure but I think all of those dogs are dead now?? I know Bruno was killed by a roo, Bonnie I'm not so sure about, but she'd be a good age now if she was alive.
  7. Just thought I'd post some old pics of Fjager and his brother when I was hunting over there many years ago. This is FJager's brother with a pig taken very early morning with the help of a 3/4 Dane The two brothers with a pig and FJager's old dog Ben. This pig had the sharpest tusks I've ever seen This pig was over-looked by all of the dogs out that morning except FJager's Ben who knew there was something there. It hit the brambles but we got him! I think this one was the first pig I ever stuck...seen here held by Fjager's brother Same pig with IC's Bonni
  8. Have you been talking to the greenies over here? Speak to Kye and FR about badgers. Ratkilla you've got some pics haven't you mate?
  9. Number 2 is the hard one to get that was destroyed in the fire. The rest are more common. DH put them all out as books due to the silly prices some were fetching. Simon, DBP was the inspiration for the Jean Claude Van Damme film Timecop I believe. The original movie was all about DBP going back in time to rescue the English White Terrier and bring it back to the future for safekeeping
  10. Not that many pigs down thay way Herefordian but there's plenty of hunting lads down there so I'm sure you'll get an invite for your pals
  11. It won't be a first edition if it's got DBP foreword in it
  12. I had the priviledge of seeing this dog but only in his twilight years. He was a real nice old fella. Hunted with his son a few times too Let's hope his grandson turns out to be made from the same mold
  13. hi mate woodies in wembly is gone it was fishing/air guns the one in knightsbridge is hardy and sons fishing only meger money and the other one is harrods meger money agian If you go down Sloane Street from Harvey Nichols and take the first left after the Gloucester pub, there's a field sports shop on the corner there just past the hotel. It's ridiculously expensive though but has gear for shooting, fishing etc...sells all the tweeds and hip flasks to the posh set. Great shop if you have the cash.
  14. They are all lovely mate....except my ex-wife
  15. I'm interested. When yu have more details send me a PM..... Done it a fair few times. You'll have a good laugh Beer is nice, people are friendly and the hunting is good.
  16. Mekong..... I first had that when I was hunting in Thailand in 1997 and I was in a coma for about 24 hours! I was warned not to drink it and I thought it was the taste that they were warning me about. Anyway, I met this lass and we got on the Mekong and cokes and the next day I was a shell of my former self. I'm not joking, that was about the worst I've ever felt in my life. A few years go past and I hook up with FJager here in 2000/2001 and he told me why people stay away from it....it's got opium in it Ditchy....Elijah Craig is 12 year old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Winner of
  17. Yeah Bundy is the business when it comes to rum.... What about Jim Beam Fjager?
  18. Good stuff boys and some good photos of the staghounds.
  19. It's a good job the bloke wasn't actually using an appropriate load for fox
  20. There was a good article on them in yesteday's Courier Mail. Did you read it Jager? They don't reckon the little buggers have got long left with this tumour. Reckon it's from the forestry spraying
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