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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. My bitch gives a steady mark on the rabbits...but that's come over time. When she was a youngster I had to watch her round the buries and everything I thought was a mark was honoured with a ferret in. We both learned from each other and I gained confidence in her once I had understood how she was marking. It wasn't long before I was reading correctly and with that she knew the ferret would go in. She turned into a very reliable marker. She was a pain in the arse with foxes though
  2. What did you put him over to get the daughter mate? Cyech? Is that a Czesky?
  3. I think the only book I can remember that actually "how to" is Jeremy Hobsons....which is always on Ebay....not much cop though. Frains I woudn't touch. If you do buy one and become disillusioned Simoman will always take it off you at a handsome premium as he's a collector
  4. Have you still got that Bedlington Matulkoh?
  5. Aye...compared to you That deer stalking fair f*****g killed me when we came back over that mountain....I don't know how Schmidty kept going..... Mind you, I did get out of carrying our quarry up the mountain..... Go on admit it mate....your role model is Mustafa isn't it?
  6. Ah cheers mate..you old flatterer...it's not that big but thanks for the boost
  7. It's because I'm devilishly handsome and a silver tongued cavalier to boot Why wouldn't your kids look up to a short, fat, ginger Pom?
  8. I'm wracking my brains thinking of someone I look up to... which is sad in itself as I can't think of anyone. All of the people I've ever looked up to have been disappointingly shabby and tawdry when you delve beneath the surface which may be my fault for putting them on pedestals. Van Gogh...Edvard Munch....Daley Thompson...Steve Ovett.....Ronnie Lane.....a few of the people who I think are/were decent types. I've got a few good mates that inspire me and make me want to better myself and I'm blessed to have a family that I adore.
  9. I was talking to G the other night and he told me about Honey. What a shame to see her go this way. At least she went out doing what she loved but it’s criminal to think she’s gone at such a young age. I’ve got some pics of her and her dam from the days when I used to knock about raking the woods with her and G. I’ll stick them up when I get home from work tonight. RIP Honey
  10. Man i have just moved from Australia, i have hunted pigs all my life, i would be keen to get in contact. unfortunately my dogs are back at home, one is a bullterrior/greatdane and the other is a bullarab/bullmastiff/ridgeback. hoping that the bullterrior will be here within 6 months due to quarintine. I was speaking to the lady who runs my local kennels and she runs a business importing pets in to the UK and she told me that there is no quarantine coming from Australia to Britain. I took my dog the other way and there was 30 days quarantine. I'll try and find out some more as she was ad
  11. Due to the nature of some of these dogs you have to be the discerning part of the parthership as they will take more and more and that's when you have to make the judgement call. It's a trait that's often abused by people who don't know how to read the dogs. Worker to worker is fine but you can sicken a dog
  12. Was it an accidental mating?
  13. Stabs


    Family club!! Leave us alone WILF, you bully
  14. My bitch was stone cold until she was 12 months old. Se wouldn't even look at a rabbit in anger
  15. He's just shy of 18" at 13 weeks old now mate. We'll see how he goes on those hares in about 12 months time Thurso...if you're ever in the area.... Captain Mainwaring? I know he's doing well....but Captain? Sapper Mainwaring sounds more like it
  16. Stabs

    Big boar

    Is that the one you have one your wall mate?? Didn't know you and Tony Caroll used to hunt together
  17. Just heard from Mr. Harcombe and the mag isn't closing at all. Copies of the December mag should be out in a day or two with any luck
  18. Feck off you dont live that far from the watering hole TUFFTY Piss off Tuffty I've got a triathlon in April and I'm trying to run my Christmas dinner off still A what?? You ginger messer your an old man What you training for really? cant you catch them kangaroos TUFFTY Straight up mate.... I've torn my rotator cuff and I've now got bursitis but I've not got long left so I'm having to put the k's in. The dog is getting back in shape after her pups too.
  19. Feck off you dont live that far from the watering hole TUFFTY Piss off Tuffty I've got a triathlon in April and I'm trying to run my Christmas dinner off still
  20. I take my lurcher with me when I go for a run which is most nights these days. A steady 8km trot and a 20 min swim after
  21. That's Bonnie...she'd just come off pups there and she was taken along for the ride. She spent most of the hunt on the back of the ute, although from the way she was screaming she wanted to go with the other dogs Paddy I remember you liking that raspberry vodka You and Smudge kept trying to nick it out of my jacket
  22. As explained elsewhere on this forum, Mr. Harcombe's has been sick so there was no December edition but you will receive two in January
  23. I've been on mate...just reading though. I'll stick some pics up later mate.
  24. Courtesy of Socks from a while back Good Veggies' & Fruits to Feed (Foods you can feel good about feeding. Add lots of green leafy vegetables) Courgettes- Romaine (COS) Lettuce - High nutritional value Ice Berg Lettuce - has no nutritional value but is OK to feed. You can use as a filler. Tomatoes (avoid the leaves and stems) - Carrots - These are high in sugars so be careful Celery - Not much nutritional value but is a good diuretic. Bok Choy - Parsley- Oranges - Apples (not the seeds) - peas- Bananas - Alfalpha Sprouts - Bell Peppers (Capsicum) - red, green an
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