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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Interesting, but I think a bit of artistic licence has been taken with a few of those
  2. My house has got a fair few large trees in the garden and in the evenings we're swamped with these bloody flying foxes
  3. I can't answer that as I'm not admin. I'm pretty sure he could if he wanted to as that happened on smoochers....but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't
  4. The moderators can't read your pm's....but don't send anything you don't want others to read...in fact don't even think anything that you don't want anybody else to know about.....the internet isn't a safe place
  5. four month old pup on the lamp to me would just b a nusence!! I gave my bitch a rabbit that I was pretty sure she'd take on the lamp at 7/8 months and then left it at that. Keep them winning and keep frustration out of the equation.
  6. I wouldn't take anything a vet said as gospel....it might just be me but I can't see any Bull Terrier in that dog
  7. thats what they are stabs at a guess maybe 35 mate!they are like whippets but stronger looking sort of thing mate Bloody hell, I've got a 16 week old pup that's heavier than them They sound interesting mate...have you got pics?
  8. Damn I miss that! Great pics lads...nice to see you both on here again
  9. Motor Poacher...have you got the weights right for those dogs? 30lb for a 22" 11 month old dog sounds very light?
  10. They wouldn't have stopped us....we're not Mexican
  11. I'm surprised that shitbox Rodeo lasted this long Remember washing the blood off before the Hoover Dam? Oh and nice one with the fight ginger bollocks!
  12. Roybo...the pup is roughly 3/4 grey 1/4 beardie. Sire 29" track grey Dam 23" Not sure what the pup will make but I think he'll clear his mam Fjager...I'll look at coming up soon mate
  13. I come from a traditional Labour family as many on here do I would imagine.....but I'd no sooner vote for the Labour party than I would gouge my own eyes out with a spoon. They make me sick to my stomach...the lying, cheating, corrupt, sleaze ridden vermin that they are. They are the ruination of Great Britain....f*****g scum.
  14. The litter went ages ago now mate....I was inundated Tomo yes that's the bitch I brought over and I mated her over here. He's a b*****d for hunting skinks!
  15. Just thought I'd post a couple of pics of the pup from this evening. He's 16 weeks old today and he's going to be a big boy.... This is him stood next to his mam And this is him with his first ever catch....
  16. Sporting Agent...don't take the piss ok? You got a problem with someone, sort it out...take it to pm or sort it out on the thread that's ongoing. Don't start other threads carrying on the same argument...it's boring
  17. f**k...I am pissing myself here In the words of The Jam...That's Entertainment It's like MR1 and Frank Spencer all over again
  18. No mate, not interested...it'll cost too much to send one to Australia Thanks for the offer though
  19. Couple of pics of Honey and her dam Not the best but I'll try and find some others
  20. Same as snoop....however she catches them
  21. I meant did you mate him to another Bedlington?
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