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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. No....mediterranean looking....like a young George Hamilton
  2. Have a look at zavvi.co.uk for cheap compilations
  3. Respect and faith are very good things and they should extend to other peoples beliefs too....Decency is a common denominator I'd hope and whatever badge you wear, I think it's something I hope we all have. Some of my best friends are christian I'd never force my opinions on anyone but I love talking about theology, but without the defensiveness
  4. It's a play actually mate so it's in a typical arse about face way. Have you been to that second hand book shop in Rochester? Biggest in the country and that's where I got mine. Well worth a browse and I've had some nice old dog books out of there too.
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianization Few links here mate WILF you are right mate...Have you read Jumpers by Tom Stoppard? He tries to mathematically prove the existence of God. Very interesting reading and brings up the God of Creation versus the Benevelent God and how the two images are not necessarily the same for everyone.
  6. Examples of persecution Yorkshire? You only have to look at the witch killings that spread through Europe for that one. For the Brits being essentially pagan, well just look closer at the festivities that pass for Christian these days....Christmas, Easter etc then there's the May Day celebrations, the green men in churches, the holly and the ivy, it's all dressed up as christianity to make it more palatable. Chaucer even alludes to it in the Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale, but then I think he had some issues with the Christians I think it was Cesar who said that the British were pa
  7. Thanks everyone...I'll pass your best wishes on to Mrs. Stabs Why would it be ginger? It'll most probably be swarthy like me
  8. It's quite interesting Wilf....not the best written book in the world, but then that hardly mattered. Here's a good one you'd love mate....Pawn of War by Rudi Stiebnitz. It's autobiographical about when he joined the fight against the Soviets in 1942 and his subsequent years in a Siberian prisoner of war camp. I met him the other day and he signed my copy. Top man.
  9. The Ann Clayton book? First visited Ypres in 1989 when I was trying to find the grave of my Great Great Grandfather but he was just one of the many names on the Menin Gate....26th April 1915....same day my other Great Great Grandfather went MIA too...same regiment, same place. They either were victims of the second battle of Ypres...one of the most brutal ever seen....or both of the b*****ds went on the piss together and married up with French whores
  10. I'm a bit of a reader and books of all types are one of my passions. I've bought some belters this week and I'm lucky to have some great second hand book shops on my doorstep. My all time favourite author is Thomas Hardy and I never tire of his books...with his very last being an absolute work of art in my opinion - Jude the Obscure. There have been a few authors which I have been distraught they've never written more...namely Slavomir Rawicz and Guy Sajer, but I have to live with the very little they have given us. Anyone read Sassoon's prose? Memoirs of a Fox Hunting Man? Memoirs of
  11. I always found a staffie in the garden kept the numbers down
  12. We're just going round in circles here... Surely if working ability is the most important attirbute you are looking for, then you'd look at workers to get your stock from? It's as simple as that. If you aren't looking at working stock to get your animals from, then working ability can't be your first priority. I must have said this dozens of times on here over the years...but load the dice in your favour and save yourself the heartache. I don't knock the lads who try to recreate "dead" breeds (in working terms), more power to their elbow, but don't come and tell me that show dogs c
  13. I know five Bedlington crosses all with heart murmurs....including the one we had. Ours was bad though as he used to stop dead and just shake. He went to a pet home where he gets the odd walk but nothing too bad. I think if you had a pound for every lurcher the vets diagnose with heart murmurs you'd be a rich man
  14. Stabs

    anyone from oz ?

    Stop telling stories Ginger Nuts, yes we have had a fair amount of rain since Mr Stabs made the big move, but we have been in the worst drought this country has seen since records started. If you are really concerned with the heat head for Victoria or Tasmania, beautiful places. NSW is a shithole end of story. Fair amount? That's an understatement mate You don't like NSW then? I heard you had a bad experience in Kings Cross a few years ago
  15. Stabs

    Urban Foxes

    Killed a few over the rec and even a couple in my back garden...
  16. Stabs

    anyone from oz ?

    I'm near Brisbane....
  17. Stabs

    anyone from oz ?

    Don't beleive all that shit the Aussies tell you about it being warm...it hasn't stopped f*****g raining since June!
  18. Three handsome lads there mate I had the midget over here on Friday night, drinking all my whisky
  19. Stabs


    Cheers lads....I had a great birthday! Newcastle Brown and Moet in the Jacuzzi
  20. http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts-C00001-01c20uB.html Mostly moisture as Socks said....great filler but nutritionally basic. My pup is 17 weeks old now and he's on raw. He gets chicken/turkey necks, lamb breast, beef (neck and brisket), chicken frames and salmon frames.
  21. looks too short in the leg to be a mini-Schnauzer. If Mtaulkoh has posted it then I guess Simoman must be pretty close!
  22. Yeah mate...I see shit loads of them coming from Everton way when I'm down the river in the evenings...there's a stack of them where that Peregrine lives by the brook. They are living right above the dog kennels and driving them mad
  23. That's the spit of a schnauzer cross I see round my way
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