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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Looks like a staff to me....plenty around like that
  2. There's loads of pics and onfo on them on ozziedoggers site
  3. Gravity...I like that one...I'm going to use that next time I miss Hey Fjager, I got one of those birds that the GSP retrieved...I think You've got to admit though, I was deadly with that .270
  4. At least I don't have a vibrator Has the GSP bitch been mated yet Fjager?
  5. At the time that the dogs went over to Germany, Lakelands were also commonly known as Patterdales just like the Border was known as Reedwater, the Dandie as Salt and Pepper terrier, the Bedlington as the Rothbury etc etc etc. So when old records refer to Patterdales, they are more than likely not referring to what springs to mind when we hear the term today.
  6. There was something wrong with your shotgun....barrel was bent or something I thought the Chessy would be too heavy jacketed but apparently not. Very driven, very focused but definitely a one dog affair. Energy to burn and put the lab to absolute shame.
  7. It was an excellent day and we shot a fair few bits and pieces. The GSPs were working very hard for a very meagre rations. We had intended to put a lot of birds up as they are always about. It's always the way when you invite someone on your permission though...no bloody birds! We had a 4 month old pup out for most of the day and it was keen as mustard. FJager...get those other pics up. The Chesapeakes were something else to be honest and hand on heart, if I was looking to be getting a dog, I'd seriously consider them. The fact they don't pack well makes them a bit of a handful th
  8. Why the f**k have you started another topic about this when there's already one going that you're involved with...??
  9. How do you know is was a female? He could be a gay, black, bestiality practitioner...... In which case, he's probably eligible for some sort of grant from the government
  10. So where were your and your friends hunting posts then? There was no hunting being posted on there so it's gone. End of story. If lads had posted hunting stories on there I would most probably have had to remove them, not something I would want to do as I used to hunt my own once upon a time. It wasn't just about banning people as my post above detailed. As I said Staffman is getting a forum together so perhaps you and your friends can post threads about working your bulldogs over there?
  11. Is there any bull blood in them dogs mate? Bull? not unless you are going back to Lord Orford's days No just greyhound and collie
  12. Sorry people, I wanted to get a post up explaining what was happening in conjunction with the forum being pulled but what with the time differences it didn't happen. The Bull Breeds forum has gone for a few reasons but mainly because in the current climate, there's not much that we can post about hunting wise on there, which was echoed by there not being much posting of hunting exploits. It used to be quite a lively forum pre-ban but those days have gone. As a stand alone bull breeds forum it was ok but I had to police quite a few posts that discussed things there had no place on a hunting
  13. Stabs


    VB :sick: XXXX GOLD....you may as well drink pop XXXX Bitter is a nice drop but Coopers Pale Ale for me.....and Bundy rum
  14. Stabs


    See you at the weekend mate
  15. You had me there until the lack of athletic ability bit....good post though and one I agree with...on the whole.
  16. why for ???? Ali...you missed a lot of cleaning up of Plummer politics
  17. If the dogs have got bad shits then pumpkin is a good way of stopping it, short term.
  18. There was nine in my bitch’s litter last year and after a while she made it pretty clear that she was losing patience with the little b*****ds. I weaned them off her using a blended mixture of carnation, weetabix and dried puppy meal. That eased them away nicely and then chicken wings and legs were introduced as well as I cut back on the blended mixture. I found that a nice gentle way of taking them off the bitch and getting them on to raw.
  19. Ditchy…due to I country I live in now, there’s very little need for a concrete base to a kennel as the dirt is like bell metal and one of my dogs just wouldn’t be able to dig through under the run panels. Again due to the fact that it gets a smidge on the warm side here, I situated my kennels in the shade of an old macadamia nut tree and a mulberry tree which kept the dogs out of the heat. To cut a long story short, I couldn’t get rid of the fleas that started appearing as summer drew on. I was putting Frontline on as per the instructions but the effects were shortlived. Visi
  20. I'm happy for you Ditchy Mine are fed only raw and were covered in fleas during the summer and frontline was having no effect due to various factors but mainly due to where I was keeping the dogs. The old favourite of garlic had no effect at all. Advantage and Frontline were a waste of time and money until I sorted out the conditions and location of my kennels.
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